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Desc:You seem like you're having a good day, watch this and make it worse.
Category:Crime, Business
Tags:will smith, ACTING!, ben affleck, jersey girl
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Comment count is 11
Anaxagoras - 2015-09-29

Why would this make my day worse? It's a mildly interesting clip from a movie I haven't seen, and never will.

baleen - 2015-09-29

fuck it. I'm pulling the kill switch.

BHWW - 2015-09-29

The "crime" tag is entirely appropriate for anything to do with Kevin Smith's films.

infinite zest - 2015-09-30

Booooo.. this movie's supposed to be horrible and I'll probably never watch it but Clerks was great, so was Dogma. Chasing Amy was pretty good too.

Lurchi - 2015-09-30

Affleck's rise to Hollywood respectability is fucking depressing

That guy - 2015-09-30

Thank you man. I'll 5 that, at least.

infinite zest - 2015-09-30

For what exactly? I haven't seen many of his films where he was marketed as a heart throb male protagonist, but Good Will Hunting was a great movie, as was Argo, and he was good in Gone Girl. You might as well throw Gus Van Sant into the mix as well by only showing clips of his inexplicable Psycho remake and say that he's a shitty director because he went Hollywood for a little while.

That guy - 2015-09-30

You can defend Affleck if that's the hill you want to die on.

Lurchi - 2015-10-01

iz that is dumb

infinite zest - 2015-10-01

Nah I'll die defending Jack Reacher, but I might take a baseball bat to my left butt cheek for Ben Affleck.

15th - 2015-10-01

Make sure to check out "To the Wonder." Affleck is routinely typecast as a warm body. He's awful and his success is nothing short of baffling.

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