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Comment count is 27
Bus_Aint_Comin - 2015-10-01

oh my god his website


yogarfield - 2015-10-01

POTUS 2016

Scrimmjob - 2015-10-01

I wish more politicians had the courage to call out their moms in a public forum. Lambright '16!

baleen - 2015-10-02

Why won't anybody respect my true opinions on 9/11?!

chumbucket - 2015-10-01

Yeah BRENDA! Jeez! C'mon!

baleen - 2015-10-01

How the fuck did you find this?

yogarfield - 2015-10-01

Every video here should incite such a reaction.

Scrimmjob - 2015-10-01

I found this searching random terms on youtube, while drunk as fuck at 3 AM.

The Mothership - 2015-10-01

5 stars just for the preload.

Monkey Napoleon - 2015-10-01

Wow. If this is real, it's the single greatest thing ever posted here.

Enjoy - 2015-10-01

I've spent two hours watching the videos he posts to Facebook. I'll report my findings once I can gather my thoughts.

Born in the RSR - 2015-10-01

Festivus ain't what it use to be.

Two Jar Slave - 2015-10-01

Holy shit

jangbones - 2015-10-01

a half hour of crying

jesus christ, how do you marshall the energy to weep this emphatically for thirty minutes straight?

(at 18 minutes, he goes off the rails)

TeenerTot - 2015-10-02

"You're like an unintelligent Sarah Palin" is my new go-to insult.

baleen - 2015-10-02

" My father was accused of Child Molestation and while I was not sexually assaulted, I was abused and forced to walk around naked for his enjoyment."

To be fair to poor Wayne, I think he deserves to cry.

CIWB - 2015-10-01

As awful as this guy is, his family is probably just as bad and is responsible for making him this way.

Society reinforces the idea that family is more important than anything and you absolutely must do anything to maintain a relationship with them. Which is fine, but so many people believe that's true without the obvious, unspoken "well, unless they're batshit insane" caveat.

TeenerTot - 2015-10-02

I find it hard to believe that his every problem in life is caused by his family.
This guy is a self-centered crybaby.

The Mothership - 2015-10-01

Christine sounds like she needs some help herself.

Oktay - 2015-10-01

Around 22:10, he says he is the father of Photo Hosting On The Internet. Which is an odd name to give a child, if you ask me.

Bus_Aint_Comin - 2015-10-01

Photo Hosting On The Internet Marcus Aurelius Lambright

That guy - 2015-10-02

OK Scrimmjob, you won poetv October 2015. I'm calling it now.

This has so many things in it and it's good all the way through.

Good lord.

That guy - 2016-10-01

He will 100% be played by Will Forte.

TeenerTot - 2015-10-02

Wow, I thought I complained about my mother too much. Nothing like a little perspective to start your day.

I think I'll call my mom today.

That guy - 2016-10-01

Make sure to call her BRENDA.

Rafiki - 2023-11-22

Just stumbled across this again today, and he’s running for president for 2024. He has quite the list of policies. There’s a lot of good ones, but my favorite might be colonizing a new planet, designating it gay, and teleporting any gay people that want to live there through a stargate for free. Don’t worry about the practicality or logistics, because he certainly isn’t.

Rafiki - 2023-11-22

Not meant as a reply.

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