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Desc:Meet Joust Pinball, Or How I Spent My Laundry Money. From The Car Talk of Pinball dudes.
Tags:pinball, Joust, TNT Amusements. python angelo
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Comment count is 8
EvilHomer - 2015-10-08

Sort of a weird question, but does anyone jerk off to pinball machines?

I ask because, as we all know, there is a fetish community for pretty much anything that people might remember from their childhoods - whether it's cartoon mice or people sinking in quicksand or Kitana in her MK2 costume getting brutally murdered. Pinball machines seem to have been a big part of many people's childhoods, and yet, I cannot recall ever having encountered a pinball fetishist. Ms Pacman fetishists, body inflation fetishists, Lara Croft getting eaten by panthers fetishists, but no pinball fetishists, not a one.

Surely they must exist, right?

Meerkat - 2015-10-08

I'm pretty sure somebody somewhere must have installed a fleshlight in their pinball machine at some point.

Maybe there are Japanese pinball machines that ship like that from the factory. I wouldn't put money on it either way.

chumbucket - 2015-10-08

The closest I've ever seen of sexuality and pinball was in an Umberto Eco book where he describes a woman playing a pinball machine as if she was having sex with it.

Here's an excerpt: http://theclubofcompulsivereaders.blogspot.com/2010/04/erotism-of- playing-pinball-in-words-of.html

chumbucket - 2015-10-08

Oh and didn't Jodie Foster get raped on one in a movie? Not that I personally find that erotic but I'm sure someone somewhere did.

baleen - 2015-10-08

I loved this machine when I was a kid. This was a major flashback thank you.

yogarfield - 2015-10-08

zesty, i got practically a million points on the csi machine, so i think i'm ready for any pinball challenge you've got.

Blamz - 2015-10-08

Pinballs were illegal for quite some time in the US its possible theres some extra illict sexual fetishism there .

sasazuka - 2015-10-09

I was 14 turning 15 when BLACK KNIGHT 2000 hit arcades. So you know, peak arcade age. I just wasn't that interested in pinball at the time so I never played it, but I do recall being amazed by the music with whole verses of song sampled in an era when even the best-sounding arcade video games (i.e. GAUNTLET) usually didn't sample strings of more than a couple of words at a time.

I have both of the PINBALL HALL OF FAME games (Williams and Gottlieb) on the Playstation 2 and the Williams one does have the original BLACK KNIGHT but not BLACK KNIGHT 2000. I'm sure it's on Zen Pinball or something but I don't have my XBox 360 (the most recent console I own) hooked up to the Internet or an XBox Live account.

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