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Comment count is 13
sasazuka - 2015-10-10

I've seen psychiatrists make the case that the Quaids are suffering from Shared Psychotic Disorder, otherwise known as "folie � deux", where only one partner is suffering from some sort of delusional disorder but the "normal" partner comes to believe these delusions and they amplify over time and become more and more isolated from anyone but each other the more they mutually become detatched from reality.

http://www.webmd.com/schizophrenia/guide/shared-psychotic-diso rder


sasazuka - 2015-10-10

Second link, article about "folie � deux" at Schizophrenic.com specifically referencing the Quaids.

My unprofessional opinion based on what I see is that I don't think Randy Quaid is so far gone that he wouldn't respond well to treatment, if only he'd seek it.


Also, if anyone's curious, that's Beaver Lake (Lac aux Castors; despite the name, it's an artificial basin) in the westernmost part of Mount Royal Park, Montreal's centrepiece attraction and absolutely stunning this time of year. I wish I could visit right now. That weird sculpture is part of a sculpture park that must have been erected since the last time I visited that part of the park.

gravelstudios - 2015-10-10

You know what? I'm glad they found each other. It's so hard to find a life partner with mutually compatible beliefs. Once you meet someone like that, you've found a real treasure and should never let them go.

Baron_Von_Bad_Beaver - 2015-10-10

"Also, if anyone's curious, that's Beaver Lake (Lac aux Castors; despite the name, it's an artificial basin) in the westernmost part of Mount Royal Park, Montreal's centrepiece attraction and absolutely stunning this time of year. I wish I could visit right now. That weird sculpture is part of a sculpture park that must have been erected since the last time I visited that part of the park."

I've been there. It's ok.

I dunno, I just didn't like Montreal. It's the only place I been to where if some finds out you're American they really don't like you. One time I was even told why I came there if I didn't speak the local language. Couche Tarde is a great name for a store tho.

Saskatoon is where it's at babeeee.

Anaxagoras - 2015-10-10

That's really not true about Montreal. They were really warm and welcoming to me and my wife, even after they found out we're Americans.

I do speak French, however. Not very well, but enough to show I'm trying. And that's all they really want.

boner - 2015-10-10

I"ve never seen a couple more likely to die at the same time (either suicide or police standoff)

RockBolt - 2015-10-10

"a madness shared by two", thanks X-Files

RockBolt - 2015-10-10

In my experience in Quebec when you don't speak French they don't like you until they find out your American, then they don't care and might find your terrible attempts as it adorable. They seem to reserve the most potent dislike for other Canadians who don't speak French.

sasazuka - 2015-10-10

Baron_Von_Bad_Beaver: I prefer "Provi-Soir" to "Couche-Tard"; the majority of Couche-Tard stores used to be Provi-Soir before Alimentation Couche-Tard bought them up in the late 1990s, although, lately, it seems Couche-Tard has actually brought back the Provi-Soir name for a handful of stores. Fun fact: Couche-Tard also owns Circle K and will soon rebrand Mac's stores in Canada outside Quebec as Circle K.

Anyway, I love Montreal but that has a lot to do with my having grown up in the area and I really only moved to Ontario because I couldn't get work with my poor-by-Quebec-anglophone standards French.

Old_Zircon - 2015-10-10

"I dunno, I just didn't like Montreal. It's the only place I been to where if some finds out you're American they really don't like you."

That's the opposite of my experience, I've had strangers invite me to their homes to hang out within minutes of meeting up there, and it generally seems to be a pretty friendly lace as long as you're not of American Indian descent or a non-Francophone talking to the police.

jimmyboblahey - 2015-10-10

What did they say that was incorrect?

Anaxagoras - 2015-10-10

Jesus Christ you're tedious.

vanilla_killa - 2015-10-10

"Randy Quaid Detained at Border in Vermont Trying to Enter U.S."

http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/randy-quaid-detained-borde r-vermont-trying-enter-u-s-n442181

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