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Comment count is 12
Old_Zircon - 2015-10-09

All my stars are for The Little Ghost.

TeenerTot - 2015-10-09

Huh...wonder why there's a "fetus" tag?

The Mothership - 2015-10-09

Chow Yun-Fat, Skeleton Power, cheap Alien rip-off.... this movie has EVERYTHING.

Binro the Heretic - 2015-10-09

I think a bit of Doug McClure could have spiced it up.

Robin Kestrel - 2015-10-09

More than a little bit of American Werewolf in London in that transformation sequence. They should be playing "Blue Moon".

Binro the Heretic - 2015-10-09

Well, now I have to see the whole thing.

BHWW - 2015-10-09

This movie is just one of many adaptions and such of the "Dr. Yeun" series of novels by the prolific Hong Kong novelist Ni Kuang - Dr. Yuen being a playboy/humanitarian who has one adventure after another, which sometimes involve the supernatural. This film is based on the series but not an adaption of a specific novel, I believe.

Chow Yun Fat's role in the film, which amounts to an extended cameo, is another long running Kuang series protagonist, Wisely (or sometimes "Wesley", the dashing head of a trading company who spends his spare time traveling the world, solving mysteries and getting involved in fantastical adventures, sometimes involving the occult or extraterrestrials and all that. Wisely has shown up in the Dr. Yuen novels as a supporting character and there've been several film, television and radio drama adaptions of the Wisely series as well.

Ni Kuang himself makes a brief cameo appearance in the film, and really, this fellow has been insanely prolific. He's written about several hundred novels, mostly in genres like wuxia and sci-fi, and hundreds of film scripts. He wrote scripts for Shaw Brothers films, co-credited on some with the noted fight choreographer/director Chang Cheh" and, well, here's his IMDB credits


Blamz - 2015-10-09

As soon as i saw Chow reload the RPG i knew this was gonna be a good clip .

The Mothership - 2015-10-09

Hi Blamz, you new?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2015-10-09

Honestly, you had me at "YAAARGH!"

kingarthur - 2015-10-10

There's a certain magic to the cheap foley sounds in these old Hong Kong movies. Everything sounds like somebody thrashing around laundry and construction paper.

Two Jar Slave - 2015-10-14


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