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Desc:I'm gonna go watch this show.. 'Return of the tribe'
Category:Classic TV Clips
Tags:Papua New Guinea, squirrell
Submitted:Mr. Purple Cat Esq.
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Comment count is 24
EvilHomer - 2015-10-30

Does he catch it?

duck&cover - 2015-10-30

He shouldn't settle for a squirrel, he should wait for a racoon.

jimmyboblahey - 2015-10-30

Watch this video on YouTube. Playback on other websites has been disabled by the video owner. -5 stars for nigger but +1 star for expert hunting technique.

SolRo - 2015-10-30

5 to offset the dumbass racist cracker

Bootymarch - 2015-10-30

5 to offset the dumbass racist cracker:(

Go back to 4chan.

Bobonne - 2015-10-30

5 to offset the dumbass racist cracker.

Used to be, you had to be 18 to post at poe-*.

Still need to be to post at 4chan.

Go back to COD.

jimmyboblahey - 2015-10-30


lol, black people don't say that you college liberal faggot white boy nigger.

betabox - 2015-10-30

Who said they did, you racist cracker?

jimmyboblahey - 2015-10-30

Sweet, dude. Flagellate yourself in front of the afrika bambooty. If there's one thing niggers respect it's weakness.

urbanelf - 2015-10-30

What up, Jimmy? You some kinda homophobic faggot?

bawbag - 2015-10-30

5 to offset and upset the stormcunt.org troll.

Nobody wants you here.

EvilHomer - 2015-10-30

Wait, where do you see a nigger? There's no nigger in this video! The guy trying to catch the squirrel is Asian, not African; he's from New Guinea, so he'd be a Gook, or at most, an Abo. God, you can't even get your racial slurs right!

I bet you feel pretty foolish now, huh, Jimmy. You dumb-dumb.

memedumpster - 2015-10-30

5 for the two point chicken dough baby who thinks its hard.

glasseye - 2015-10-30

5 to offset the racist asshole.

Go home, you jerk.

Ugh - 2015-10-30

this is the kind of message board gimmick account i used to make a decade ago, thanks for helping me travel back in time for back to the future month

American Standard - 2015-11-01

You try too hard.

mouser - 2015-11-01


jimmyboblahey - 2015-10-30

"if you say nigger you're a neonazi"

I remember when the internet wasn't bitchboi central. At least you can show these comments to your half-jewish girlfriend to prove you're not racist.

SolRo - 2015-10-30

No, the Internet always hated your kind. You're just used to your nazi circle jerk message board constantly blowing eachother

jimmyboblahey - 2015-10-30


infinite zest - 2015-10-30

Maybe this is a dumb question, and apologies to squirrels everywhere in advance, but don't they have much cooler animal life down there? When I was in Australia people were shooing Tropical parrots off their porches like they were seagulls; for some reason I don't think I'd be fascinated with seeing a seagull or pigeon for the first time if I was used to parrots and whatnot.. but I like this guy.

urbanelf - 2015-10-30

Perhaps you could suggest an animal that would look better on his head for the sing-sing.

EvilHomer - 2015-10-30

I'm sure they have cooler animals, but for them, cool animals are normal, boring animals. If you were from the trackless interior of New Guinea, then a squirrel would be totally weird and exotic; echidnas and tree kangaroos, meh, who cares, you see them everyday and they probably bore you to death.

Old_Zircon - 2015-10-31

Stars because I'm pretty sure he means he wants to catch it, kill it and make it into a special hat.

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