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Comment count is 23
Lurchi - 2015-11-06

not that Charlie Parker

infinite zest - 2015-11-06

As unfortunate as the great Scott Walker.

bawbag - 2015-11-06


Accidie - 2015-11-06

Haters gonna hate.

Pillager - 2015-11-06

Five stars for evil vids or did I miss a memo?

bongoprophet - 2015-11-06

well you can take a gander at mr. JimmyBob's comments.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-06

Mr Lahey does not like niggers. Which, in light of this video, is actually quite strange, because why then would he wish to do something nice, like giving them ham?

That guy - 2015-11-06

I'll rate the poester first.
Here's 5 for the song: *****

Don Taye - 2015-11-08


Doc Victor - 2015-11-06

Jim, how about a ham week tag bud?

RedRust - 2015-11-06

This is shaping up to be Ham Month...

Bootymarch - 2015-11-06

I think the reason richard pryor could never say nigger again was because he ran into jimmy bob in africa.
begrudging 5 stars, well played.

misterbuns - 2015-11-06

the poster's whole persona is like if some really out of touch sketch comedy show, maybe SNL mid 00's decided to try and get hip with the kids by doing a bit about 4chan culture, but it was just too late for that and no one really bothered to ask if it was really funny in the first place.

Accidie - 2015-11-06

Bonus stars ^ *****

kingarthur - 2015-11-06

One star for taking that shit back to 4 chan

SolRo - 2015-11-06

Dogpile on the hick!

CIWB - 2015-11-06

Seems the best course of action.

Enjoy - 2015-11-06

Next open mic. I'll pay cash money to see it.

Sudan no1 - 2015-11-06


misterbuns - 2015-11-06

kekekekekekeke gb2 reddit

misterbuns - 2015-11-06


Gmork - 2015-11-07

jimmybob is actually waugh

joelkazoo - 2015-11-07

Watched this just before I went to work, and caught myself humming it all day. That's evil. Know nothing about this poster, but I know evil when I hear it. 5 for evil.

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