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Desc:Since back in the terminator days they could build the hell out of an engine, but my are they lame
Category:Video Games
Tags:lame, fallout, bethesda, no mutants allowed
Submitted:Mr. Purple Cat Esq.
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Comment count is 66
poorwill - 2015-11-06

Couldn't finish.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2015-11-06

How does this not give you an uncomfortable erection just in time for Thanksgiving?

I envy the shit out of anyone who can play this.

StanleyPain - 2015-11-06

How is this lame, exactly? Really, so far, my only complaint about FO4 having not played it yet, is that they decided to change the silent protagonist thing which I hate.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2015-11-07

Well you see, the Internet is contractually obligated to produce backlash to everything it once loved. It will then snort in superiority, roll its eyes, and condescendingly quip about some minor flaw ruining the experience. See: The Dark Knight Trilogy, Lord of the Rings, the Matrix, Marvel movies, Skyrim, Fallout, and pretty soon, Star Wars.

TheSupafly - 2015-11-07

Well if we are going by just the writing, as per the description, I can get behind that. The stories have always been conventional, and simple. Not much intrigue goes into playing a bethesda game, but every so often a side quest pops out as having stellar ideas. The gameplay has always been fantastic though, and I never stop having fun playing them.

The music is pretty much the same as everything else so I dunno if that is the problem the poster has or not.

yogarfield - 2015-11-07

Star Wars has always sucked.

Two Jar Slave - 2015-11-06

It's sweet of them not to make any clich� feel excluded.

Quad9Damage - 2015-11-07

"You don't find the Institute..."

ashtar. - 2015-11-07

I know clich�s. Clich�s never change.

oddeye - 2015-11-08

Save mankind from it's worst enemy... it's self.

Kid Fenris - 2015-11-06

Hey, remember that halfway clever line we had in our first game? Well, don't worry. We'll never let you forget it.

That guy - 2015-11-06

...hmm, the story's supposed to have some camp to it, it always has. I don't think that I'd fault Bethesda for writing and music first and foremost. How about bugs and bugs and bugs and no patch in sight?

Caminante Nocturno - 2015-11-06

Don't worry, it'll be much better after it's been stuffed full of mods. All of this dialogue will sound much better coming out of Hatsune Miku.

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2015-11-07

That and the ability to murder the obnoxious children.

Gmork - 2015-11-07

Murder hatsune miku. Over and over.

Gmork - 2015-11-07

Oh right she's not real!

EvilHomer - 2015-11-07

Huh. Sounds like SOMEBODY'S never heard of the Multiverse Theory.

Nikon - 2015-11-07

@Caminante I don't think Fallout will ever be for me, but what you said was true for Left 4 Dead 2. By itself it was kind of blah, but after oodles of mods (and a price drop to .99 on Steam) it was a lot better.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-07

Only question I have is: will there be a hardcore mode?

I love Fallout, but part of me is worried they're going to fuck this up, just like they fucked up Skyrim and the entire TES franchise. The review embargo is both worrying and depressing.

That guy - 2015-11-07

The embargo, not so much. It's bog standard nowadays.

But their potential to totally fuck this up? Yes, it's fully possible. I'll tell you on about Wednesday or so.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2015-11-07

I think its a forgone conclusion this will be meh. Bethesda have fallen so far, they used to be amazing. Their last good game imo was Morrowind. Everything since then has been fairly crap.
Eg. Skyrim was just so fucking boring and repetitive, + they turned what could have been an actual adventure to a tedious trip t the mall by adding a compass that always points you exactly where to go, fast travel, and a map that shows you exactly where u are. Like your character has google maps.

Also while I'm here Terminator: future shock... Is that not a criminally under-regarded game? True 3d fps that came out before quake + it had atmosphere, exciting stuff, actual objectives + vehicles!

EvilHomer - 2015-11-07

I haven't followed AAA titles for years, at least, not the "pre-release scene"; I know review embargoes are normal, but is it normal to embargo reviews until the day of release?! That's absurd! A week, two weeks prior maybe, but if designers don't want reviewers to discuss their game until a few hours before it hits the shelves, that sounds suspicious as hell, especially considering that most professional reviewers are under pressure to oversell AAA games already.

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2015-11-07

From what I've gathered, this game is really forsaking the whole S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system that allowed you to really play in any manner for the Skyrim skill tree style and mostly be battle focused.

I'm guessing it's because the vast majority of people just fight their way through the games, but it's just every other generic game system at that point.

The only thing I preordered at this point is Just Cause 3 (and this would be the third or fourth preorder in my lifetime).

EvilHomer - 2015-11-07

>> I'm guessing it's because the vast majority of people just fight their way through the games, but it's just every other generic game system at that point.

Man, that'd suck. As I mentioned the other day, the core problem with Skyrim was that the devs built it more or less "by focus group" - they looked at user data from Oblivion, then dropped any features they felt the majority of players weren't utilizing. So, instead of having flexibility and creative control over your character, you got combat builds and scripted events.

Gmork - 2015-11-07

Skyrim is great with mods, the only problem is that most people have already gotten sick of it by the time they figure out all these world-immersion mods exist.

Also difficulty rebelance mods are a must... skyrim is insanely easy from every single approach imaginable. The difficulty slider isn't at all dynamic enough.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-07

I got sick of Skyrim before the Construction Set was even released. In fact, the prolonged delay on the CS was the deciding factor in my uninstalling the game way back when.

I keep meaning to reinstall Skyrim and try it out with mods, but every time I go to do so I wind up stopping, because even looking at it feels like a chore.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2015-11-07

I love how rapidly this thread descended into paranoid speculation based on nothing. Like this:

"From what I've gathered, this game is really forsaking the whole S.P.E.C.I.A.L. "


Jesus, if you guys don't like Fallout, that's cool. But ultra-negative fanboy purists looking for excuses to dislike things are absolutely insufferable.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-07

Oh come on, you're just looking for excuses to dislike your fellow Poesters. Stop being an ultra-negative PoeTV purist, SDC.

infinite zest - 2015-11-07

Yes! Future Shock was such a great game! I guess the music and atmosphere was kind of built in though.. I turned out playing Fallout New Vegas and Borderlands 2 at the same time. Never finished either of them; I didn't care much for the stories, but Borderlands' storytelling and music was much more interesting, and New Vegas was more fun to play. And that's usually how it goes: The GTA series always has a sort of generic Goodfellas/Boys in da Hood etc. way of storytelling, and games like Saints Row turn that same concept on its head. Those games are kind of the Boondock Saints to Fallout's Pulp Fiction, or the Krull to Fallout's Star Wars.. maybe those aren't the best analogies big flagship games usually seem to be pretty formulatic like this trailer, but this still looks like a lot of fun.

That guy - 2015-11-11

After playing for a while, I think it's going to be an ok game. Not great, not terrible.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-11

Is there a hardcore/ survival mode?

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2015-11-07

Also above I meant to say Oblivion, but exactly the same is true of Skyrim aswell.

Gmork - 2015-11-07

So far I'm not at all convinced that this is going to be good. I'll still plonk down a few bucks for it, but when I saw "season pass" I immediately started thinking of ways to pirate it.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2015-11-07

Yeah, it looks like a real disaster. It's gonna be a multi-car pileup, I tell you. In the future, people will look at Fallout 4 and the Malaysian Airlines crash and say "Yes, Fallout 4 was the worse catastrophe. God help us all."

I have arrived at this opinion based on absolutely nothing but my own deep, profound disappointment with myself.

StanleyPain - 2015-11-07

Jesus, you guys must be fun at parties.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2015-11-07

List of Things PoETV Thinks Is Overrated, Ver. 5:

1) Breaking Bad
2) Fallout
3) Game of Thrones
4) Schindler's List
5) The works of Shakespeare
6) Skyrim

For once, just once, can you guys look at a good thing and say "Yes, this is good" instead of rolling your eyes like a goddamned 14 year-old?

Chancho - 2015-11-07

You don't think every line in this trailer is a cliche?

StanleyPain - 2015-11-07

It is, but I tend to not really care, frankly. It seems like a minor thing on the scale of a Bethesda open world game.

Hooker - 2015-11-07

I haven't played the Fallout games so I don't have an opinion on this (except that the dialogue really is dreadful in this trailer).

However, the people incessantly complaining about how everyone else on poeTV complains too much is making a strong case for how awful it is when all someone does is complain.

Two Jar Slave - 2015-11-07

I was under the impression we were rating and commenting on the game's trailer, which is full of clich�s and uninspired inspirational music, and not the game itself. I am looking forward to the game quite a bit. I'm especially excited about the environments, which seem more varied than Fallout 3 or New Vegas. Also, I want to find out what the dog is all about. Can you take it on adventures? Is it cosmetic, or will it be like a ranger's companion?

infinite zest - 2015-11-07

It seems like a step back from the relatively cool way of telling a story the way New Vegas and Borderlands 2 did, both of which I bought on the trailers alone. I never played Fallout 3, but Fallout 2 and 1 were pretty much like this, before cinematic storytelling really became a thing. And nobody's going to criticize a game like Red Alert for crappy cinematics, because it's like the best game in the world. In short I wish I had a fast computer or a next gen system because this does look like fun.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-07

Borderlands 2 has such a silly and halfassed story; which, ironically or not, is a big part of the reason why -in terms of story-, it's my favorite modern game.

I like it when games can be smart and creative, without taking themselves too seriously, or putting the game on hold every five minutes so they can develop the plot.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-07

For example: I'd sooner spend my money on ten minutes listening to Tiny Tina and Mr Torgue riff off each other about EXPLOSIONS, then five hours of Commander Shephard yammering about MORAL CHOICES.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2015-11-07

Chancho: Yes, there's some cliches, but

1) They're pretty mild ones (No "We've got company!" for example)
2) Who fucking cares if the environment and worldbuilding are incredible?

I remember when the Fallout 3 trailer dropped and PoETV correctly predicted it would be a disaster on par with Game of Thrones. Because PoETV hates. Fucking. Everything.

There's literally nothing Bethesda can do. If the game shipped bug-free, PoETV would find some excuse to call it a miserable trainwreck.

That guy - 2015-11-07


StanleyPain - 2015-11-07

Personally, one of the things like I liked about Borderlands (all of them) is that they so unashamedly used the "people telling you the storyline while you play" device constantly which, honestly, I think is one of the most organic methods to get across a lot of setting and info without slowing everything down for ponderous, over-written cut-scenes.

It seems like most modern video games make a lot of concessions to be more film-like, but that particular method seems like it's a concession to make a game's story integration more game-like.

As for Fallout 4. No one's played it except reviewers, but I will assume that, like FO3, the main story will probably not be terribly strong, but I don't even remember finishing FO3s story until I had already spent, like, 40 hours wandering around the game. Putting in cut-scenes and a talking protagonist seems like a big step backwards in the immersion/RPG factor but oh well. I know very little about the game as I have been avoiding details and news about it, personally so it will all be new to me when I play it.

Nominal - 2015-11-07

Over half your posts are about how much you hate poetv.

While not quite WHO WANTS DESSERT levels, it begs the question of why are you here?

Sexy Duck Cop - 2015-11-07

I like PoETV when it's chill and funny, and I hate it when it's smugly saying it's too good for everything in the world. It's part of a broader Internet phenomena where people adopt this herd mentality and suddenly decide all at once that everything is "overrated" and they have transcended enjoying things.

Don't get me wrong, I dislike some popular things too. I think Mad Men is a pretentious bore about a man with no problems whining about his perfect life. But I don't act as though everyone else on earth shares that opinion and callMatthew Weiner is a fucking hack unworthy of respect.

Two Jar Slave - 2015-11-07

I know this isn't really worth it on any level, but: raises. It raises the question.

Two Jar Slave - 2015-11-07

Instant regret.

Hooker - 2015-11-08

When you're not posting about how awful we all are for complaining about popular things, you're complaining about Star Wars.

Nominal - 2022-07-04

One of the funniest trends looking back in PoeTV history was Duck Cop losing his mind for over half a decade over some people thinking Game of Thrones wasn't great.

TheOtherCapnS - 2015-11-07

I am so stoked for this game. I already have it preloaded.

I have easily put in over a thousand hours across 1, 2, 3, and NV, and there isn't a single one of those games that I don't consider to be an absolute joy to play. 1 & 2 were especially important to me because I was a Mac person back when they came out and they were some of the crown jewels of the very limited library of games on that platform.

I just don't care about the story in this and 90% of games, aside from the fact that the story gives you fun stuff to do and cool set pieces to participate in. I also give zero fucks about the dialogue. Video games are not where I turn for that kind of thing. I don't see how anyone could buy into a story in these types of games anyways, what with the creepy fucking plastic uncanny valley nightmare robots they call NPC's.

It will probably be a hot mess at launch with all kinds of buggy physics and weird glitches, and uplayable for some. I've had a string of good luck; Morrowind was the only game they've ever released that was unplayable at launch for me, and the bugs are more entertaining than anything. Tuesday is gonna kinda suck because I'll have been up all night playing it after it unlocks at midnight, but then I've got Wednesday off for Veterans Day. Can't wait!

memedumpster - 2015-11-07

Gamedev checklist :

✓ Shootin'
✓ 'Splosions
✓ Monsters
✓ Robits
✓ 'Pocyclypse


Looks fine to me.

That guy - 2015-11-07

Does it got:

? nucular slingshots
? haxxoring because word puzzle
? robobots
? canibalisms
? pewpewpew
? save the world
? kill all everybody
? flaming chainsaw
? moody androids
? giant bugs

That guy - 2015-11-07

...actually, as much as I love the theme/style of the series, even a big fan like me can see how this could turn out to be a turd. New Vegas was released broken and never really fixed. If they do that, or dumb down the perks/skills too much, or make it fake-sandbox, or put the quests on rails, it could easily suck.
I suspect that the FPS aspect will be about as good as it could be for a game that's not really a FPS. The rest is up in the air.

Bisekrankas - 2015-11-07

NV Broken? I have encountered a total of 0 bugs over 4 playthroughs. Maybe I was playing it wrong?

That guy - 2015-11-07

I was on xbox 360. I had problems even after the 'fix' patch that arrived way too late.

I know, I'm not leet.

infinite zest - 2015-11-07

Yeah, I've got the 360 version as well but I downloaded the entire game maybe half a year ago. I prefer making my dude as evil as possible so there's probably no way I'll beat the game, but there's plenty of bugs where dudes just show up out of nowhere, which like you said would be fine for a FPS but not cool when you're basically down to a pool cue.. things like that.

And speaking of dialogue, and another critically acclaimed title, MGSV has some of the most cliche and sappy shit that I've ever heard or seen, including the other MGS titles. Doesn't mean that I didn't have a lot of fun.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-08

Cannibalism, child murder, and dying-if-you-don't-drink-enough-water are the top of the list. So far as I know, none have been confirmed yet.

That Guy raises a good point, re: the theme and the potential for problems. Fallout is one of the few titles I'd consider to be "blue chip" - one which has yet to let me down, and which I'll always purchase, either at launch or shortly thereafter. I *will* get Fallout, really no matter what, but the vidya game market has been highly volatile, and given Bethesda's track-record of late, there's certainly a chance that they'll dumb things down, and thus, kill the franchise.

EvilHomer - 2015-11-08

Other blue chip titles include Borderlands, Saints Row, Mortal Kombat, and most prominently, anything produced by Paradox Interactive (in particular, their flagship titles, Europa Universalis and Crusader Kings). "Anything Will Wright" was maybe the first franchise to earn blue chip status from me, but squandered that reputation with Spore. Bioware used to have blue chip status, too, but lost that in the wake of Dragon Age 2, while the shift to MMOs cost the Sturmovik flight series its chip, and Tomb Raider lost hers with the most recent reboot. GTA, TES, X, Sid Meier, and Total War have suspended blue chip status, pending department review.

*At worst*, Fallout might get put on review. That's like, worst-case scenario.

That guy - 2015-11-08

Oh, I don't know EH. I think FO4's worst case scenario is Bethesda shitting the bed-- some combo of bugs and breaking the feel of the game.

Old_Zircon - 2015-11-07

Somebody stole President Scroob's escape pod, 0:17

bopeton - 2015-11-08

The lines of dialogue are certainly all cliches and tropes.

I just hope nobody is judging the game on that and depriving themselves of a fun experience.

chumbucket - 2015-11-08

I'll probably buy it as I don't mind spending hours aimlessly grinding my way to best weapons and armor to spend the rest of the game sawing through quests and enemies as if they were melted butter.

oddeye - 2015-11-08

Fallout 3 is shit but New Vegas rocks my fucking socks off (with mods)

Fallout 4 will be shit but "New Vegas 2" will fucking rock my socks right off my cock and into the fucking sock draw (with mods)

Eat my desockified cock.

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