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Comment count is 8
infinite zest - 2015-11-23

Huh.. Never knew that Bellini was a real person or that he was a writer for the show. I blame Comedy Central, and their squishing of credits.

The Mothership - 2015-11-23

Oh come the fuck on. The fat guy in the towel? Bellini? I wonder if you have ever seen KITH. Are you a BOT?

infinite zest - 2015-11-23

Heh.. the fat guy in the towel was all I knew him as. I thought he was just one of their friends or something and not a key part of the creation of the show.

boner - 2015-11-24

He teaches a sketch comedy writing class. I've stood next to him but resisted the urge to touch.

infinite zest - 2015-11-24

That's cool. They were doing their live show a while back and I turned out working the box office but I always went in backstage and sort of ran into Bruce in the hallway. I was just kind of like "hey" and went right on walking.

boner - 2015-11-24

The show I went to, Bellini was standing in his towel behind a rope, like a sculpture in a museum, it was exquisite.

boner - 2015-11-24

I mean, right out in the lobby.

infinite zest - 2015-11-24

Damnit.. I probably could've seen that if I was paying more attention since the box office faces the inner lobby, but I sort of wanted to get in and get out and get home.. long dumb story of how I didn't get to meet Bellini.

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