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Comment count is 14
Oscar Wildcat - 2015-11-25

There, but for the grace of the Angels, go I.

Cena_mark - 2015-11-25

What exactly is this? This looks like a very strange subcultures.

That guy - 2015-11-25

So, basically, this guy found out that he's going to live to be like 5,000 or something, so this is what he's doing this decade.

Crab Mentality - 2015-11-26

I'm happy to know that people are wasting their lives in more pointless ways than I am.

Crab Mentality - 2015-11-26

Oh, and according to the person who showed me this, this is the second time this has happened.

fedex - 2015-11-25

as the stickers sit forlornly in the background, now to be forever obsolete

also: NOPE

Chancho - 2015-11-25


infinite zest - 2015-11-25

This is the 1:35:00 version of me emptying out my garbage can into a garbage bag today :(

bawbag - 2015-11-26

Ahhh, I hate when that happens!

I've taken to just putting a bag over the top of the bin, then upending the whole thing into the new bag because I'll be fucked if I'm cleaning up any more bin juice from the hardwood.

infinite zest - 2015-11-26

That's exactly what I did. I guess I got a little bit greedy this time though, or I wasn't paying enough attention.. :(

Old_Zircon - 2015-11-26


gravelstudios - 2015-11-26

As somebody who enjoys solving twisty puzzles, I could see this coming from a mile away. There's a reason nobody makes cubes that big. No structural integrity. Every piece has to be able to move independently of every other piece, and the only things holding it together are pressure and friction. With small cubes it doesn't matter, but the bigger they get, the harder it is to hold them together.

glasseye - 2015-11-26



Ugh - 2015-11-27

take off the parking brake dumbass

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