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Comment count is 21
ashtar. - 2015-12-13

So, Art Carney: thoughts?

Nominal - 2015-12-13

Anthony Cumia has a ton of great Dice impressions. My favorite was Reagan as Dice. Say what you want about Cumia's politics and social views, but he's the best impressionist I've ever heard next to Jay Mohr.


Feel free to front page privilege snipe it from the hopper.

Xenocide - 2015-12-13

He couldn't even get on the real CNN. That's one of the lesser CNN's, like CNN JR or something. It mostly shows old news clips of the White House Easter Egg Roll followed by old Rugrats episodes.

gmol - 2015-12-13

Kinda a dick move by the anchor I guess. These guys have no problem not calling out politicians/celebrities on the idiotic things they have done and said...I presume silverstein was running a gym as a normal wealthy person might (between 2-5 mil net worth) and the question was merely to prod at the fact that he couldn't get showbiz work for awhile and was trying to get back on the inside.

Old_Zircon - 2015-12-13

I feel like he was in character when he denied it, if you watch some of the longer videos of him, especially the Howard Stern stuff where they keep provoking him, it seems like there are these subtle shifts between Andy Silverstein and Andrew Clay. The difference is small, but there are definitely moments where you can see that he goes from feeling in control of the room to losing control of the room, and when he's in control his body language and cadence change and starts dropping throwaway one liners in conversation. I could be reading too much in to it but I don't think I am, I just think the character and the man are almost the same thing at this point, kind of like some of the classic WWF stars ended up.

yogarfield - 2015-12-13

did this sack of shit finally keel over?

infinite zest - 2015-12-14

Nope. In fact he's got a new Showtime series coming out and is booked for a lot of January at the same place in Las Vegas. Like I said before I've always kind of found him funny; did he ever do anything that elevated him to "sack of shit" status? I know his jokes are misogynistic but Louis CK said that raping a child must be really, really good if child rapists keep doing it even if they get caught, so that's just kind of what comedians do.

SolRo - 2015-12-14

yeah but CK didn't make a living off child rape jokes.

Nominal - 2015-12-14

He had a reality show that was extremely obvious with the staged scripting.

infinite zest - 2015-12-14

Yeah you're right. Modern comedians can break the act/character pretty quickly but Dice seemed/seems happily stuck with it. I remember hearing a friend telling me about the night furry punk rocker Nobunny stayed at his house, and he was wearing the fursuit the entire time, like never breaking character. It'd be like playing the bad guy in a movie and walking around time still being a bad guy and beating people up and stealing shit.

infinite zest - 2015-12-14

Not that Nobunny is a bad guy. Nobunny loves you. I sort of didn't finish my thought.

That guy - 2015-12-14

Motherfucker, did you just lump Louie CK and Andrew Dice Clay into a group because they both tell offensive jokes?

The jokes that you're referring to work very differently, they're about different things, and CK's is challengingly smart while the Diceman's is staggeringly stupid.

We're all stupider now. Thanks. I have no choice but to 1-star you for spilling stuporglue all over this page in sticking those two together. They may as well not even be in the same profession, if you judge by how their jokes work.

Please tell me that you post while on a wide range of drugs, and you're on the dumb ones right now, so at least I know that you're enjoying yourself. Why is your post IQ range like 100 points wide? Fuck.

infinite zest - 2015-12-14

TG yeah I put 'em togehter but in a very vague way, like they're both comedians who "went there"I and they're both comedians. Could've just as easily said Greg Turkington (AKA Neil Hamburger), who is nothing like his act in real life but still gets away with very off-color jokes about Eric Clapton's dead son and such and such.

Prickly Pete - 2015-12-14

Yes, Louis CK is amazing and not at all a creep, except he jacks off in front of female comics without their consent. So the legend goes, anyway.

chumbucket - 2015-12-14

I actually liked the guy in entourage.

jimmyboblahey - 2015-12-14

Wow... just... Louis CK sucks [possibly female or genderneutral] dick and Dice is hilarious. Deal. Just Deal... smh

yogarfield - 2015-12-15

nobody is every buying the "dice is hilarious" troll bro

That guy - 2015-12-15

Hey IZ, if it's cool with you, I'd like to give that 1-star to jimmy.

yogarfield - 2015-12-15

oh what is this i found in my pocket

lotsmoreorcs - 2015-12-14

BACK....GET IT?!?!?!

-2 for Dice, the shining definition of a 3 star bit

misterbuns - 2015-12-15


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