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Comment count is 11
infinite zest - 2015-12-31

I always liked Drafthouse and envied them since I always worked for their competitor as far as arthouse cinema goes.. but is this really where it goes? Just another "so bad it's good" after "so bad it's good" until we forget what good is?

Doc Victor - 2015-12-31

FYI, this is a reissue, not an original production.

infinite zest - 2015-12-31

But 5 for Miami Connection, The Room, Rocky Horror, everything grindhousey and crazy. But I just wish there was more of it instead of recycling, or phoned in nostalgia like Kung Fury. What I'm saying is that Oz-Sploitation needs to come back for real!

Savage_Henry - 2016-01-01

Sure this movie was fun (yet terrible) but I agree the Drafthouse should try to put out more actual good film reissues like Wake In Fright (admitted I have not yet seen Roar).

infinite zest - 2016-01-01

Roar's awesome, and could probably never be recreated, and Wake In Fright is just plain awesome. The reason why I loved Mad Max Fury Road so much was it was a return to Oz-sploitation in a lot of ways, but was too distracted by all the cool shit to think about that in the theatre.

Attempting to recreate these things usually doesn't work because they're busy being ironic or self aware, like Alamo's Grindhouse was, but just listen to Jay and Mike from RLM go off on a tangent about how to make a better movie and you've got some pretty good material for a pretty unironic revival of Oz or Grindhouse.

That guy - 2015-12-31

Happy New Year, homos, neckbeards and fat girls in party hats.

Also, was this made for mentally disabled children or WHAT?

infinite zest - 2015-12-31

Happy 2016 That guy.

TheSupafly - 2016-01-01

I lost my mind when this was played at the end of Blood Dragon.

Caminante Nocturno - 2016-01-01

It put a huge smile on my face, too.

TeenerTot - 2016-01-01

With a pickle mind
We kick the nipple beer
Steady as a goat
We're flying over trout
Ghetto down the highway
At the speed of light
All I wanna feel now
Is the wind in my eyes
Sack of monkeys in my pocket
My sister's ready to go!

Scrimmjob - 2016-01-01

Hear the engines roll now!

Fun fact: If you want to see the main character from that movie get his balls ripped off, watch the movie Pieces!

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