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Comment count is 14
zatojones - 2007-04-18

Humungus shows his love by choking you into unconsciousness

Jacques Strap - 2007-04-18

I got it! I got it! *chop*

Gerhard - 2007-04-18

No point in watching anything Gibson does after this. Also Dinki-Di!

Aernaroth2 - 2007-04-18

In the future, the only shelters were the sportsmart and the fetish store.

Enki Don't - 2007-04-18

Backflippin' feral child and Wez freaking out make it gold

athodyd - 2007-04-19

You have to admit he's an effective administrator.

Xiphias - 2007-04-19

He's a skilled orator AND he wears a codpiece. What more could you want?

Bone_Vulture - 2007-04-19

Ah, the time when Mel Gibson was not a bloated douche.

rhythm rider - 2007-04-19

mel gibson isn't a bloated douche. apocalypto was the best movie of 2006.

johnnyhamhock - 2007-04-22

Again, favorite movie as a child. Watching it again, i suppose this explains much

bopeton - 2007-04-24

Pure win.

FABIO2 - 2007-06-14

Fuck Patton and Network, THIS is the greatest speech in cinematic history.

Frostilicus - 2007-08-01

Werner Herzog was pretty buff

MK_Ultra - 2007-09-23

If there was ever a joke I didn't think someone would make before I did it's this one.

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