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Comment count is 21
That guy - 2016-01-13

so what

Accidie - 2016-01-13

Do you need a hug?

That guy - 2016-01-13

Accide, why is this on here?

Is it to show that star warts was franchise trash from the very beginning, and that sesame street was hip to play that game?

Do The 'Noid and Strawberry Shortcake and the Aflac duck join them later?

Accidie - 2016-01-13

You need a hug.

Two Jar Slave - 2016-01-13

I'm torn. This is pointless trash, but I also think that guy needs a hug. My supporting evidence is who doesn't.

infinite zest - 2016-01-13

I think I need a hug too: :( :( :(


Guesses on the first sketch, Porklandia, Elmo feels sad because he likes bacon, but found out what happens to the pig in the process, so they take him on a trip to an organic farm to show him that he shouldn't feel bad. True Cookie Detective. Rust and Hart investigate a a series of cookie thefts and need help identifying the color Yellow. Cookie Monster is off the hook, but the search for Yellow is still ongoing.. at least kids whose parents can't afford educational programming of this quality will have better things to do or watch or read. Fuck Sesame Street.

That guy - 2016-01-13

Of course, I need a hug. Give me a couple of minutes to prepare for human contact first, please.

Chocolate Jesus - 2016-01-14


infinite zest - 2016-01-14

That guy if you need a hug, Star Wars TFA got nominated for next to shit for the Oscars just now! But then again neither did Sicario or Beasts of No Nation, so now I need a hug too. If I CARED about The Oscars that is.. :(

EvilHomer - 2016-01-14

I'm not so sure Star Wars deserves any Oscars, and I'm even less sure whether people should care about the Oscars in the first place.

He lives in a trashcan, for Chrissake.

infinite zest - 2016-01-14

I was actually surprised that Star Wars got hardly anything: it was a solid movie if nothing else in same way that Mad Max was, which got ten including Best Picture. If you liked the original Star Wars Trilogy than you liked The Force Awakens, and if you liked Road Warrior and Mad Max then you liked Fury Road. If you didn't then you didn't. They're just simple movies that stick to a very simply formula. So while Annie Hall beat Star Wars in 1977 for Best Picture, I'll bet people were a bit surprised: some "art house" movie that breaks something called "fourth wall" beat out a space movie with an Occam�s Razor of a plot but every bit as well put together as however many years the Oscars had been around previously.

That guy, maybe you said this before, but I'm just curious: did you always dislike Star Wars? Or were you more like me, where I grew up liking it and having my expectations destroyed and just stopped caring, and then apathy turned into "I hate everything Star Wars" like the dad on Christmas Eve who missed out on getting his kid the last Millennium Falcon at Toys R Us sort of feeling, but for adults who just like to talk about Star Wars too much, like I guess I just did?

That guy - 2016-01-14

Even though I saw the originals in theaters, I had my expectations destroyed almost entirely before the 2nd trilogy even came out. The branding and bullshit from Return of the Jedi through when the 2nd trilogy started were bad enough.

Then I 100% knew the 2nd trilogy would suck, and nobody believed me and then it came out and gargled donkey balls and it was like I got a bunch of shit for being right.

Then it started to resemble religion in its fan apologetics and I don't even

What a stupid adolescent culture we are.

infinite zest - 2016-01-13

I'm pretty sure I had this exact video a good decade ago: some guy was on eBay selling the Laserdisc SW Trilogy that he converted to DVD for like 10 bucks, but for a little more it came with some "extras". So I got the "extras" package and it was worth it. Got the Life Day Special, Star Wars on the Muppet Show, Sesame Street, outtakes, concept art and a CamRip of the then-just released Revenge of the Sith among other things.

Old_Zircon - 2016-01-13

I hope you got a partial refund from them for putting Revenge of the Sith on there.

infinite zest - 2016-01-14

I was actually amazed at the camrip quality for the time vs. every other shaky camrip I'd seen, which I focused on more than the movie itself. I think it cut off before the ending and I hated the movie, but that guy's dedication to making the most complete Star Wars Anthology was pretty admirable.

Cube - 2016-01-14

But did you get the holiday special!

infinite zest - 2016-01-14

Oh yes, oh god.. thanks for the flashbacks Cube!

EvilHomer - 2016-01-14

Yeah, sure. I say "banana", you say "bleep bloop bleep". I say "blue" you say "orange", I say "freedom" you say "slavery" - it's all the same, kids! Language doesn't matter. Just be happy and docile and listen to what the colorful bird-monster tells you.

infinite zest - 2016-01-14

Yeah really. This must've come out before I was even born, but I think I remember watching mostly 70s Sesame Street and don't remember too much of the gimmicky stuff if I remember it at all when I was a kid, just the Pinball song really. That's pretty much how the Sesame Street target mind works, everything else is just for adults' entertainment.

But when I had to sit for my nephew some 20 years later I was pretty shocked that Tony Soprano dropped by Sesame Street, so before getting some business done he had some things to say about how it feels to be scared. Adults get the joke but small kids are (hopefully) in the dark, but it's just a waste. Since HBO's taken over now I hope PBS (who still has the old episodes) just start running them from the beginning, when kids would learn something, and Oscar the Grouch was a different strain of marijuana

15th - 2016-01-14

Star Wars doesn't love you back. Love yourself.

Stopheles - 2016-01-16

For any and all behind-the-scenes footage from 60s-70s Sesame Street,

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