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Old_Zircon - 2016-01-29

This time he was wearing an absolutely MASSIVE, electric blue, synthetic shag hat with earflaps.

infinite zest - 2016-01-29

That's awesome. Have you talked to him? I don't have to take the bus that much unless I have to go up to the office to deposit timesheets and I usually get "blue guy" as I like to call him on the way back. He's pretty cool, an old busker outside of the Nordstroms, but nothing compares to the busrides I'd take where Jim Spagg would jump on around fareless square, still recording. Spagg was probably the last of the truly great local celebrities. RIP Jim. :(

Baron_Von_Bad_Beaver - 2016-01-29

Sometimes the world is a neat place.

Old_Zircon - 2016-01-29

I haven't yet, the first time I didn't know who he was and this time I didn't see him until he got off the bus.

I think he might be living a couple blocks from me now, either that or he was visiting somebody.

Old_Zircon - 2016-01-29

And how's this for some weird New England synchronicity:

I grew up in the same town where Vermin Supreme lives and now I live near Tiny the Terrible, and not to long ago Vermin Supreme and Tiny the Terrible did a collaboration (that's unfortunately not good enough to submit).

Old_Zircon - 2016-01-29

I never did bump in to The Barbarian Brothers when they were living in town. Which makes me one of the only people I know here who never bumped in to The Barbarian Brothers. At my last apartment, everyone there knew Peter Palpin and not a single one of them realized he had ever made movies, he was just that guy.

Last time a friend of mine saw him he let him know that we all liked his movies and was supposed to get a DVD-R of the feature length experimental film he was working on, but it never materialized.

infinite zest - 2016-01-29

Heh that's like me and Roddy Piper. He lived a ways away from where I did but all my friends would see him, or claim to have seen him, just at coffee shops or at the store. I do think I might have run into him a couple summers ago drinking at a bar which is next to an old movie theatre which is now a wrestling spot for PNW but I can't be sure, plus whoever it was was just having a beer by himself so I didn't wanna bother him or anything especially if it wasn't him. In either case maybe I sat near him..

I got that once on Christmas night; everybody was tired so my ex and I decided to go to one of the few bars that was open. All of a sudden these 3 girls come up to us and ask if I'm Russell Brand. At the time I didn't know who that was but I was drunk enough and said "yes that's me" (because that's what Russell Brand does on Christmas night, drinks at a dive bar with someone who not at all resembles Katy Perry) signed autographs on napkins and everything with the last name spelled wrong. It was all pretty silly and it didn't take them long to figure out that I was fucking with them, but I've never been one to bother someone when they're staring at their drink or having a conversation with someone else. Good times tho. RIP Roddy Piper too :(

EvilHomer - 2016-01-30

Does he like getting attention from fans, or being filmed? If he's the sort of person who's cool with it, you should maybe ask him to cut an impromptu promo for poeTV. Test the waters out first though; I wouldn't want you annoying him, especially seeing as he could easily kick your ass.

EvilHomer - 2016-01-30

I think New England's just a magnet for interesting people; we're the most culturally fertile land in all of God's green Earth. Growing up as a prep school brat, for example, I had daily contact with hundreds of socially-significant personalities, and in at least 98% of the cases, I had no clue who they were or why they might be important at the time. It wasn't some special treat, it was just normal. Normal New England living.

I can't imagine what life must be like in some southern, moo-cow, fly-over region. No midget wrestlers or bodybuilding twins walking around town - must be horrible!

Old_Zircon - 2016-01-30

EH, he loves the attention as far as I can tell. He's always really loud and gregarious.

Long before I moved to RI, he apparently ran for mayor of Pawtucket.

The trouble is I don't have anything to record video on right now, except for a portable Sony tube camera from 1981 (needs an outboard VTR). I've been thinking about getting some kind of mid level snapshot camera specifically or recording video actually, since my old DSLR only does stills and is pretty bulky. If I bother with that, I'll carry it around and see what I can do.

Old_Zircon - 2016-01-30

And in case you didn't know (I didn't before I started seeing him around town), he used to wrestle for WWE occasionally:


He's not shy.

Old_Zircon - 2016-01-30

There's actually someone who moved in across town from where my folks live up in MA last year who I really hope I can somehow bump in to and get to do a video shoutout to PoeTV, but I don't actually expect to ever have it happen. First off, I go up there and visit pretty regularly but that's still only a long weekend every two months or so, so just statistically it's unlikely I'll bump in to him by pure chance. And second, he's Adam Sandler.

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