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Comment count is 9
SolRo - 2016-02-03

the gay conversion is controversial, but I guess the date rape drugs aren't?

Ugh - 2016-02-03

what is this, a neogaf audiobook or something

Nikon - 2016-02-03

It's a shame to see the MSM continuing to repeat this lie.
http://nichegamer.com/2016/01/supposed-gay-conversion-scene-in -fire-emblem-fates-being-removed-from-western-versions/

Nikon - 2016-02-03

Send email, explain your dissatisfaction. Call out censorship.
DON'T BUY IT. Don't support "localization".

Chocolate Jesus - 2016-02-03

nobody cares you fucking infants

Nikon - 2016-02-03

Gotta protect the rights of fictional women

Monchiles Monchiles - 2016-02-03

As a frame of reference for people who have no idea what's going on: Fire Emblem used to be a popular Tactical Turn Based RPG that sold around a handful of copies and barely made any money and Nintendo didn't care much for it for the most part and they were going to cancel the whole series. So Intelligent Systems made Fire Emblem Awakening into a softcore Dating Sim and a million and a half people bought it. So you have this small hardcore tactics fanbase trying to make the most out of a stripped-down light hentai game, coming to terms with a large fanbase estatic they can mostly play the game one handed. So you have half-measures like this that please neither party.

chumbucket - 2016-02-03


Spaceman Africa - 2016-02-03

video game drama

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