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Comment count is 11
Old_Zircon - 2016-02-06

But are it's genitals between the front legs or the back legs?

infinite zest - 2016-02-06

He's got a hog, baby!


infinite zest - 2016-02-06

A buddy of mine had a centaur machine, and when he had to move he offered it to me for 0. I probably should've taken it but I already had 3 in my kitchen and would've had to figure out rent that month.. but Centaur's the bomb, and now there's none at bars in the entire city. :(

Old_Zircon - 2016-02-06

Holy crap, a part human part motorcycle centaur is a whole different fetish altogether! I'm pretty sure I saw some of that when I was searching for centaur videos the other day.

Old_Zircon - 2016-02-06

I guess I saw it somewhere else.

B. Weed - 2016-02-06

Still my favorite pinball machine. Freaky art and good gameplay.

Old_Zircon - 2016-02-06

I'm an Elvira Scared Stiff man, but I've never seen one of these before, it looks pretty god.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I'm terrible at pinball. and don't play it much

infinite zest - 2016-02-06

I love me some Scared Stiff, Medieval Madness, Theatre of Magic, but more recently I've been messing around with Banzai Run and Joust. Banzai Run (as far as I know is the only pin to have a vertical playfield that's more than just one of those "mini pinballs" like you usually see in under-playfields (like in Black Hole) or up in the corner (like in Family Guy). It's a fully functioning table of its own for the most part. It's fucking hard but it's fun. Joust is cool too because it's a sit-down flat machine because there's flippers on both ends, which can either be controlled by one person or two simultaneously. If you do one-player it doesn't matter which side it goes down, you lose a ball.

Centaur's a decade and a half before Scared Stiff, but I'm pretty sure it was the first one to incorporate actual sentences into its reverb board. Gorgar was the first, but it only had just a handful of synthesized words at its disposal that it would combine into a sentence, kind of like a Speak and Spell.

infinite zest - 2016-02-06

Point being imagine a world where Scared Stiff (or Party Monsters) didn't have Elvira's voice: the "talkie" pin was considered a gimmick since arcades were loud, people had their walkmans on, so what's the point? A lot of that is thanks to Centaur.

Scrimmjob - 2016-02-07


I always liked to think he was saying eat instead of beat.

infinite zest - 2016-02-07

Heh I always thought when I lost he said "you birthed gorgar."

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