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Desc:They once made a toy modeled on Archie Bunker's grandson.
Category:Advertisements, Classic TV Clips
Tags:Dolls, archie bunker, real boy parts, joey stivic, terrific
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Comment count is 11
baleen - 2016-02-15

I really cannot believe this isn't on here, but credit goes to my lady for knowing about every weird fucking doll and puppet on the planet.

The Mothership - 2016-02-16

And a great idea. I agree, I'm surprised we all missed this for so many years. Absolutely mazing.

Robin Kestrel - 2016-02-16

Show me on the doll where Rob Reiner touched you.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-02-16

What young woman _doesn't_ dream of bearing Meathead's son?

Scrimmjob - 2016-02-16

I saw one of these in an antique store complete in box. I'm not a big All In The Family fan, so I was completely confused to see a baby doll with Archie Bunker all over the box.

decoy - 2016-02-16

Is this from the Groove Tube?

baleen - 2016-02-16

Is should be, but it was a real toy made by Ideal Toys at the time. Trust my girlfriend, she has an exact replica Billy Baloney doll from Peewee's playhouse.

Old_Zircon - 2016-02-16

I have Billy Baloney.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-02-16

So, does the Billy Baloney doll watch over you in bed when you're putting the Hebrew National to her?

..and what, no Mr. Beasley doll? That's the gold standard, Baleen. Accept no substitutes.

baleen - 2016-02-16

You are our people.

baleen - 2016-02-16

She has a Lester puppet. Beat that!

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