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Comment count is 38
Rainier - 2007-04-15

Gotta love religious housewives losing their shit. Always priceless.

teethsalad - 2007-04-15

carrots and sticks

kwelladakid - 2007-04-15

AW no Christmas presents!

boner - 2007-04-15

Is she trying to bribe him?

juiceboxtheeverliving - 2007-11-24

isn't that how Christianity works?

EvilHomer - 2007-04-15

Classy. +1 for the Youtube comments. Oodles of stupid on both sides!

fluffy - 2007-04-15

"You're not getting anything for Christmas, okay?" "Okay!" "No IT'S NOT OKAY!!!!"

Old_Zircon - 2007-04-15

Fake? Great either way.

Caminante - 2007-04-15

I love how taken aback she is when her "NO PRESENTS!" threat fails to work.

Ahriman the Creepy Lurker - 2007-04-15


IrishWhiskey - 2009-11-28

But that wasn't really the Bishop! He never once moved diagonally.

Shion - 2007-04-16

Because acting like a crazed moron at atheists is effective and convincing rhetoric.

kingarthur - 2007-04-16

Oh the hellfire and brimstone this kid is gonna get when his mom sees this on youtube...

What about the Danger - 2007-04-16

This argument really works a lot better than the ontological one, I promise.

bopeton - 2007-04-16

"You'd better fucking believe in God!"

xenocide - 2007-04-16

Somewhere the Bishop is watching this and crying into his hands. "But he PROMISED!"

Xiphias - 2007-04-16

She used going to church as a threat, yet somehow this kid wound up an athiest!

tamago - 2007-05-02

I love how the "Christian" mother cusses like a sailor.

Quad9Damage - 2007-05-28

This is the exact argument all atheists have with their parents.

crayondisaster - 2008-02-20

Not if your parents are atheists too. Then you are a confused 2nd grader who doesn't get to go eat crackers and drink grape juice on Sundays.

CharlesSmith - 2009-02-18

It's so worth it though. Lack of religious indoctrination is the best gift you can give your children.

Exegesis_Saves - 2007-06-04

Come on, guys. Pass the hat for this kid's Winter Solstice Gift Fund.

Pie Boy - 2007-09-26

That's a pretty awesome kid, just for his devotion.

theSnake - 2007-10-01

Congratulations kid you figured it out. The reward is depression, suspicion of the institution of marriage, and the distrust of 80% of your fellow human beings!

Jeff Fries - 2007-10-16

I never know what to make of these sorts of videos, where a buffoonish authority figure tries to force their will on a kid who for all the world appears to me to be using higher principals as an excuse to be an a**hole, so considering the positive responses above and the general success of Adam Sandler I'm rounding my rating down from a three to a one.

Aubrey McFate - 2007-10-20


juiceboxtheeverliving - 2007-11-24

I concur

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-12-21

Indeed, quite a faggot.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-01

Truly, an unremarkable faggot in every way.

oogaBooga - 2008-07-01

Comments approved.

Change - 2013-04-15

Everyone here is a piece of shit.

GoneGirl - 2007-10-18

Mom? Dad? I just wanted to mention how much I love you guys.

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2007-12-26

I'm joining up with the "Did that mother actually try to threaten her kid into saying he believes in the Jesusgod with a giftless Xmas!?" camp.

Minus 1 star for being a little bit on the short side.

ashtar. - 2008-02-01

It has been my observation that fundy protestants seem to react to atheists (et al) with fire and brimstone, the typical JESUS DIED for YOU speech, and quoting obscure passages from the bible to prove that the end times are nigh. Catholics, on the other hand, will just threaten to beat you up.

As a side note, I also suspect that junior's atheism may not be due to his restless pondering of weighty issues, but rather a desire to piss off mom and dad. FUCK YOU, HITLER, YOU CANT TELL ME WHAT TO BELIEVE

Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2008-06-21

I wish they kept filming

elm axo - 2008-08-08

rock on kid

soci-o-path - 2008-10-07

Michael is a fucking American hero, worthy of standing along side Hulk Hogan, Santa, and Lt. Surge.

joelkazoo - 2009-03-09

-1 star for stopping just when it was getting good.

I was raised Catholic, and judging by his actions, I'm fairly certain he was just sick of having to go to church. I know I stopped when I got out of the house!

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