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Comment count is 10
Nikon - 2016-03-06


Binro the Heretic - 2016-03-06


Bobonne - 2016-03-06

"I've made a huge mistake."

SJWFeels - 2016-03-06

It is amazing to see Christie squander whatever minuscule amount of good will there was left for him. It is an impossibility that he would be offered the VP slot. He must be getting secretary of state or attorney general.

StanleyPain - 2016-03-06

"I wonder if they have a buffet here."

"I wonder if I can *make* them set up a buffet."

chumbucket - 2016-03-07

He is so Jeff Garlin here.

badideasinaction - 2016-03-07

If the clip was longer I'd go with Gary Jules' "Mad World".

EvilHomer - 2016-03-07

I don't get it.

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-03-07

way shittier version of a way better vine that a UT football player did with his iphone and a flatscreen/itunes combo

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-03-07


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