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Comment count is 13
That guy - 2016-03-15

this could be a lot worse
big whup

Scynne - 2016-03-16


That guy - 2016-03-16

-they are kids, and they don't want all the activity emojis to be boys
-'first world problems' you could use for just about any problem that just about anyone faces

I didn't 1-star this. Yes, the commercial and crusade is a little dumb.

But it's not making a total mountain out of a molehill here. It has some temperance. It's not a dissertation on sexism in emoji and a protest march.

Callamon - 2016-03-15

They use the same font as tampon commercials.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2016-03-15


crasspm - 2016-03-16

Do fat girls not use tampons? Wait, are there also no fat girl emojis?

SolRo - 2016-03-16

They tried adding them but they just took too long to load

BHWW - 2016-03-16

Hashtag campaigns are EasyBake Oven movements.

A current lack of desired emojis is not a great offense to justice and fairness. Nobody goes �hey women can�t do that! I know because there�s not an emoji for it!�

If anything, this campaign perpetuates the stereotype of white hashtag campaigning girls as a bunch of dumb broads locked into their phones texting their IDK MY BFF JILL, unaware of the world around them and angsting over trivial fluff.

memedumpster - 2016-03-16


Tough American Bouncer - 2016-03-16

Still waiting for the gluten free emoji in here.

chumbucket - 2016-03-16


Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2016-03-16

Didnt watch video. But emojis are unisex


The description in the unicode table is "SMIRKING FACE" etc.

How they're actually rendered is specific to the platform / software doing the rendering and is very easy to change unless youre willfully using some walled garden, cant-change-anything system like an iphone, in which case, you asked for it.

Monkey Napoleon - 2016-03-16

Gender is an oppressive social construct

until it interferes with my personal persecution complex.

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