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Comment count is 25
Old_Zircon - 2016-04-22

"the scene that justifies all of Tim Burton's career forever. "

Description/submitter synergy big time

memedumpster - 2016-04-23

Hey, cut cog some slack, ehay eadray aynA andrA.

Old_Zircon - 2016-04-23

I've got plenty of slack for him, but this movie is such a mess.

EvilHomer - 2016-04-23

Yeah, this was the lowest point of Burton's career.

EvilHomer - 2016-04-23

It was, however, the high point of Prince's career!

cognitivedissonance - 2016-04-23

Oh, come on guys. This is as silly and fun as anything with Cesar Romero. It's a fond comfort food of a movie.

Nicholson brings it.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-04-23

This film has not aged well.

Hooker - 2016-04-23

Jesus Christ, this was shocking.

memedumpster - 2016-04-23

It's like a network identification shown between Tiny Toons and Animaniacs in every single way.

Old_Zircon - 2016-04-23

I thought it was pretty good in the theater but I've never once successfully sat through it since then, not even back in the 90s.

Honestly, even Edward Scissorhands has lost me at this point, you can already see things going wrong there. Tim Burton will always be Pee Wee's Big Adventure and Beetlejuice to me, I could live without the rest of it (except Mars Attacks but that's more for contrarian reasons than anything else). I loved Scissorhands as a kid but grew out of it pretty quickly.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-04-23

When I first saw it, it was wonderful, one deft visual surprise after, another, pop pop popping right along. When you've seen it a few times, and the surprise is worn away, you become uncomfortably aware of the stock characters, the conventional exposition, the obviously staged shots of a stunt person tumpling over a railing and off a balcony over and over.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2016-04-23


!!!!! Ed Wood !!!!!


Old_Zircon - 2016-04-24

Ed Wood was the first Burton movie that really disappointed me at the time it came out. It wasn't BAD exactly but there was something about it that was jut kind of flat. I was really in to Ed Wood back then, though, and had already read Nightmare of Ecstasy twice and wasn't disillusioned with Burton at all yet, so I had really high expectations. I should watch it again some time, I might like it better.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-04-23

Also, has anyone else noticed that a lot of the people calling this"The One True Batman Movie" are also the ones flipping out over Batman killing people BvSColonDoJ despite Batman openly killing everyone in this movie?

Bobonne - 2016-04-23

Idiots say all sorts of stupid shit. Many of them probably weren't even alive when it came out, but even as a child of 9, I was appalled at how many people Batman was obviously killing within it.

BvS is just reaching a whole new generation (though it's even less aimed at nine year olds than this one was).

Nominal - 2016-04-23

Even as a kid when this came out I remember thinking how stiff the fights looked and how obvious it was Batman was swooping that he was on a wire.

Old_Zircon - 2016-04-23

There's an easy litmus test for determining the one true Batman movie, and it's the presence or absence of shark repellent batspray.

Sanest Man Alive - 2016-04-24

The fights looked terribly stiff because Batman's costume was. Keaton was basically wearing a neck brace with a hood and cape, so it's all he can do to fecklessly jab dudes and throw them over rails. As well, Burton doesn't strike me as much of a fight choreographer.

As flawed as it is, though, it still holds up better to repeat viewings than the Nolan films.

Merzbau - 2016-04-26

Bat-Repellent Shark Spray, or Repo Man's Tracey Walter as Henchman Bob? It's a toss-up

Void 71 - 2016-04-23

I like this Batman better than the Nolan Batmans even though I was never a big fan of it. Jack Nicholson was born to play the Joker, and the casting in general is much better in this movie than it was in the Nolan Batmans, Keith Ledger excluded. This scene, as ridiculously '80s as it is, is nowhere near as awful as Bane's voice.

Sanest Man Alive - 2016-04-24

This clip is sadly missing the first half of the scene, where Joker nerve-gases the entire museum just so he can have a quiet interview/dinner with Vicki Vale there.

A joke needs a punchline AND a setup, people!

Raggamuffin - 2016-04-24

^ this

kind-of trashing a museum is a pretty banal crime when they cut the scene to let you forget that he is stepping over a bunch of dead bodies.

spikestoyiu - 2016-04-23

This movie cost so much money and yet this set looks so cheap.

badideasinaction - 2016-04-24

This scene feels like the suits required the song as product placement in a prominent scene to sell more of the soundtrack (gotta make the Prince price tag worth it), so Burton just threw it in wherever he could.

StanleyPain - 2016-04-24

I've always wondered what song they *actually* shot this scene too because it's pretty obvious the entire thing is set to something totally different, probably a piece of classical music.

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