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Comment count is 6
Caminante Nocturno - 2016-05-01


My favorite one is Quan Chi's "you were my only friend" intro, which is in part two.

Jimmy Labatt - 2016-05-01

Man, I forgot how great these were. Definitely needs the ACTING! tag.

StanleyPain - 2016-05-01

So basically they just used the writers from the MK cartoon.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-01

It's not all the zingers, just a selection of them, and they are genuinely great. Basically every scene Cassie and Johnny have in MKX is golden (they steal the game, banter-wise), while Kano and FerraTor are pretty consistent, too.

A lot of these zingers might not make sense unless you've studied the kanon, however.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-05-01

Everyone in the Mortal Kombat universe has been fucking all along and I love it.

Nominal - 2016-05-02

This is only part ONE of FOUR!

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