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Comment count is 65
Born in the RSR - 2016-05-06

How do americans get teeth like that? Does it cost a lot?

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2016-05-06

An upper-middle class background, I'm guessing.

15th - 2016-05-06

"......reaching out to the fascists." I don't understand.

memedumpster - 2016-05-06

He means other poor people.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-06

I mean the Trump supporters. You're joking right? Did you read the comments?

EvilHomer - 2016-05-06

I don't think he knows what he means.

memedumpster - 2016-05-06

Comments on the YouTube video? I didn't go past the first page, but it all seemed positive and supporting of the video's message at the time.

Most of Trump's supporters are poor people. What's wrong with wanting to help them out of a shit state? Hillary Clinton would. Remember when Obama said "we don't call each other fascists?" Did you not see him kicking it with Boehner in the theater the other day?

Recognized commonality should be a no-brainer engagement even in an arena with lots of contention. The contentions smooth out as a side effect of seeing the commonality, because most of it is nonsense.

You love Frankenstein's Monster, so I know you're not someone to just write off over politics. Everyone is more than the crap out they mouf, as the Buddha said.

15th - 2016-05-06

There is a common thread between these two perceived "outsider" candidates. It's a deep distrust and resentment of the political process. If people attempted to bridge this gap, the status quo would truly be endangered for the first time in decades.

If you're not willing to even imagine you have anything in common with the other team, you're part of the problem.

15th - 2016-05-06

And by "you're" I mean that I'm a bad writer. Not directing that at you, JHMF. I don't your politics that well.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-06

There is a common thread between these two perceived "outsider" candidates. It's a deep distrust and resentment of the political process. If people attempted to bridge this gap, the status quo would truly be endangered for the first time in decades.

Be careful what you wish for.

If you're not willing to even imagine you have anything in common with the other team, you're part of the problem.

Okay, that's good, you're halfway there. Now apply this logic to Clinton Democrats. I'll be here when you're done.

memedumpster - 2016-05-06

His point is we do that already.
We've been here, the whole time, waiting for you to be done.

We have no will to bend to your interests, our will takes your fondest dreams into account. We want everything you want, except the humiliating destruction of your enemies, we do not acknowledge your enemies.

While we do not apologize for that, we still love you.

15th - 2016-05-06

Clinton will very likely become President, hundred of bankers will tent their fingers and not much will change. I don't like her, but I will vote for her, because I'm not nuts. Look how pragmatic and self-defeating I can be!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-06

>>>We have no will to bend to your interests, our will takes your fondest dreams into account. We want everything you want, except the humiliating destruction of your enemies, we do not acknowledge your enemies.

>>>While we do not apologize for that, we still love you.


If you want to understand my point, read this:. Maybe you don't; I got shit to do


Oscar Wildcat - 2016-05-06

If you want to see a vision of what a Trump/Sanders hybrid would look like in practice, check out "All the Kings Men" by Robert Penn Warren. If you're an old fraud like me, read the book. Bob's prose is like water over glass, and when he nails something down, It Stays There. Or if you're part of generation short attention span, check out the most excellent film adaptation starring Sean Penn (the film will at the very least convince you that despite all circumstantial evidence, Sean Penn can achieve greatness in acting).

Basically it's a thinly disguised telling of the story of Huey Long. There's a scene in the movie where Penn does a song for his campaign, "Every man a king". That's the whole enchilada, right there. Tap into that and you can unite both sides.

TheOtherCapnS - 2016-05-06

Why is it that everyone seems to say that if Sanders got elected, he wouldn't be able to get any of his impractical, pie-in-the-sky policies passed, and he'd be a totally ineffective president, but the same people seem to say that if Drumpf gets elected, it will be a total fascist nightmare? So Drumpf is going to get all his incredibly impractical policies passed some way that Sanders doesn't know about?

How do we even know what kind of justices Drumpf would appoint? He was a Democrat for years, and has held some extremely liberal views in the past. Why are we sure he isn't just saying crazy and conservative and racist shit to get votes from the idiot base of the party he threw in with? There's no penalty for breaking campaign promises.

I'm just not 100% convinced that I buy this extremely pervasive narrative that any rational person has to vote for Clinton, because she's basically the nominee and has been from the start, and we can't risk the disaster that would be Trump, and if you don't support her you are selfish, and naive, and childish. I dunno, I'm certainly not one to buy into conspiracy theories, but it seems awfully convenient that Clinton's opponent is an essentially unelectable heel, who also happens to be an old friend and supporter.

All that said, this video is pretty embarrassing. But man JHMF, you do realize that the name-calling and the facile characterizations and straw men and shit makes you look pretty shitty, right?

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-05-06

"I got SHIT to do."

*rolls from right side to left side and begins scrubbing left underfolds

memedumpster - 2016-05-07

*JHMF walks out of the forest swatting at invisible objects*
JHMF : You kids are wrong, I hate all of you!
KIDS : Would you like to talk to us about it John, we like you.
JHMF : RAARGHXFHDGHKJSGDHFHGFAHF *runs off into the woods*

Time goes by...

*JHMF walks out of the forest swatting at invisible objects*
JHMF : You kids are wrong, I hate all of you!
KIDS : Would you like to talk to us about it John, we like you.
JHMF : RAARGHXFHDGHKJSGDHFHGFAHF *runs off into the woods*

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-07

>>Why is it that everyone seems to say that if Sanders got elected, he wouldn't be able to get any of his impractical, pie-in-the-sky policies passed, and he'd be a totally ineffective president, but the same people seem to say that if Drumpf gets elected, it will be a total fascist nightmare? So Drumpf is going to get all his incredibly impractical policies passed some way that Sanders doesn't know about?

I did a little googling, and according to wikipedia, congress is republican.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-05-07

John Holmes Motherfucker the Baptist, wandering in the wilderness, subsisting on locusts, honey and Chipotles.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-07

>>>John Holmes Motherfucker the Baptist, wandering in the wilderness, subsisting on locusts, honey and Chipotles.

Not really as good as an actual argument, but "John Holmes Motherfucker the Baptist" is pretty funny.

MemeDumpster, My posts are rich in English words, and statements like like "My anger may have been misplaced". Is "RAARGHXFHDGHKJSGDHFHGFAH I hate you all!" really all you hear in your head?

memedumpster - 2016-05-08

That was a throwaway comment to state that you're a hater who actually sees other humans as inferior to yourself, which absolutely sucks and is beneath human dignity for both parties, but I'm fucking funny.

/joke explained


zurf - 2016-05-06

A month or so ago I was convinced that Trump was trolling everyone and didn't really want to be president.

Now I'm virtually certain he wants to win and that he will be president.

It is obvious that many idealistic liberals will join the fools in the Trump camp as the campaign wears on, because (1)"fuck the establishment" is the depth of their political understanding and (2) Trump is a chameleon that can brand himself as anything to anyone, and disenfranchised progressives are likely to be his latest mark.

Trump will remake the political landscape, make voting republican seem more hip and anti-authoritarian than voting democrat, and generally do whatever else it takes to win.

memedumpster - 2016-05-06

Lots of Republicans are going to vote for Hillary Clinton.
http://www.politico.com/story/2016/05/republicans-clinton-trum p-indiana-222778

They know who represents them best.

Old_Zircon - 2016-05-06

I'm the opposite, when he first announced it I thought he was serious and was pretty sure he'd win. As it's progressed, it has become increasingly obvious that he never intended to win (and I have in on pretty good authority that he had no desire or expectation of staying in the race longer than 3 months, was only running as a publicity stunt for the Trump brand, and was completely candid about that with his business associates when he first started his campaign) and at this point he's probably just seeing what he can get away with. I still don't want him to be president AT ALL of course, but at least we don't have to worry about Cruz.

Also this video is aesthetically shameful and a bit naive but it's coming from the right place.

Old_Zircon - 2016-05-06

At least one Koch is voting for her.

simon666 - 2016-05-06

Why does this guy speak as if he's poetry-slamming?

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2016-05-06

I grok this cat's rap, man.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-05-06

Justin Bieber is revolting! ( yes, he stinks on ice... )

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-06


When Sandra Bee talked about 2010 being the most important election, she forgot to mention why. It's because 2010 was the year of redrawing the congressional map. That 's when the gerrymandering happened. And that was the year of 14 percent of the eligible youth showing up.

Well, I voted in that election, and if it pisses me off to see this earnest little shitstain with the hair and the teeth explain to me how the system is rigged because he didn''t get what he wanted this time.

There's a whole lot of Bernie supporters talking about going with Trump. That's probably not going to change the outcome of the election. What it's going to do is nullify Bernie's legacy, which could be huge. What America needs is a vial, viable, visible VOTING left wing. What we don't need is our own fucking tea party.

What I'm saying is that they haven't really tried VOTING. And whatever their plan for fixing the system is, it's not going to be more democratic than VOTING.

And Bernie Sanders should have a place at the table. Traditionally, he gets that by bringing his supporters into the fold. But THESE supporters are already leaving him. They're not showing him any loyalty. Apparently, it was never really about Bernie.

These kids have nothing that the Trump people are interested in. The Trump supporters will turn them around, give them wedgies, and send them on their way.

memedumpster - 2016-05-06

You sound angry that they're not too idealistic to compromise.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-06

Compromise? With the Trump people? Nigga, please. They're going to convince the Trump people where their best interests lie, with the the help of their superior intellects, and their mighty slam-poetry skills. I have to admit, it's a beautiful dream.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-06

Please don't use the "n" word. It hurts people. :(

memedumpster - 2016-05-06

They were people before they were Trump people. I would say 'they can be people again' but they are already, and still, people.

You really are a perfect jettisoning of a thousand years of old sayings.

You can catch more flies with honey...
Walk a mile in another man's shoes...
A friend in need is a friend indeed...
Be the change you want to see in the world...
An experience not shared isn't had...

How about this one.

Forgive them of their trespasses.

Why is the biggest asshole in the universe so happy you have a chance at just seeing the other as your brothers? I know you will, you're close. It's a cheesy grin kind of day for me.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-06

>>They were people before they were Trump people. I would say 'they can be people again' but they are already, and still, people.

Either you're fucking with me (which is cool, I'd probably enjoy fucking with myselfwhen I get like this.) or you're just missing my point by Hulk-sized leaps.

I'm just going to keep linking to this.


15th - 2016-05-06

Most people want safe food.
Most people want clean water.
Most people want affordable healthcare.
Most people want a good education.
Most people want to fall in love.
Most people would prefer rehabilitation to jail.
Most people want to be financially secure.
Most people want peace.
Most people want to be free.
Most people want privacy.

But, these are contentious political issues, an incredibly expensive and enduring achievement. Undoing it would take less effort than you think, because it's the truth. Love a Trumpster.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-05-06

Most people want a Ferrari, a gold Rolex, and the high school cheerleader and her sister, one on each arm.

What they need are all the other things you list.

I believe as you that building bridges is a great idea but I think you're going to have to take a page from Don and consider their desires. I'll take a quick whack at your list as so.

Most people want McDonalds.
Most people want Pepsi Cola.
Most people want viagra.
Most people want Sportsball!!!!
Most people want to fuck.
Most people would prefer ?.
Most people want the Big Bucks.
Most people want their own way.
Most people want you not to interfere.
Most people want to be left alone.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-05-06

This thread is starting to read like the chorus in a mid 80's Talking Heads song.

You can catch more flies with money.
Walk a mile in another man's Gucci's.
A friend in greed is a friend indeed.
But brother, can you spare some change?

15th - 2016-05-06

Hah, nice catch Oscar.

memedumpster - 2016-05-07

You guys are absolutely ter'ble at hiphop!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-06

Okay, so you are fucking with me. Have a great weekend!


EvilHomer - 2016-05-06

No, they're not fucking with you, it's just that YOUR time has passed, old man. Get used to (as your link puts it) "settling for less than you want", because you're getting to be getting a whole lot of that once the Revolution kicks up to 11.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-06

Incidentally, I heard Boxxy was going to vote for Trump. Your thoughts?

Nominal - 2016-05-06

I never caught JHM's opinion of ShoeOnHead. She's the exact opposite social opinion of Laci Green, but she's a way hotter white girl youtube celebrity than her OR Boxxy! Which trigger condition will win out? It's like holding up an entire deck of Queen of Diamonds to Laurence Harvey.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-06

I have mixed feelings about June. She used to be popular in the Boxxy Fan community, and she used to make funny videos, but she's a dick, and she doesn't like me at all. This is all rumor on top of speculation, but the guy who photoshopped me into that picture with Boxxy's mom may have at one time been her boyfriend.

I don't remember what she looks like now, but she used to have this beautiful long hair that made her look like a human My Little Pony. Yeah, she's attractive, but women from Long Island have a very short shelf life. Ever see Amy Fisher's sex tape? Brrrr!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-06

I guess it's possible that Catie will vote for Trump. Her generation is, after all, horrible. I don't really have a relationship with Catie, other than when she likes my tweets.

Her mom is Lisa, and Lisa is NOT voting for Trump.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-06

Actually, I have no idea who Boxxy is voting for, but she seems like the kinda classy lady who'd jump for Trump. Lisa, too!

Hypothetical question: if Lisa and Boxxy both came out for Trump, would you switch teams? One big, happy Trump family?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-06

When I submitted this, there was a bunch of comments about voting Trump to "disrupt the elites". Those have been taken down, so maybe my anger was misplaced.

I support Hillary because of experience and qualifications, but I really like Bernie Sanders, and pissed off Sanders supporters who want to vote Trump just to say FUCK YOU you to everybody are just pieces of shit as far as I';m concerned, not because they're going to change the outcome. They're going to fuck up Bernie's legacy.

Bernie Sanders ran for President as a socialist and he was taken seriously. There's your fucking revolution kids, right there. And he financed his candidacy on small contributions, That's so badass... and it's a gamechanger. These stupid kids don't know how much they've won. And they may lose it yet.

Politics is what we have instead of dictators. And revolutions are where dictators come from.

And who says I hate Trump followers? I could kiss each one of them, as they go off to do their work. FLY MONKEYS, FLY!!!

Old_Zircon - 2016-05-06

"These stupid kids don't know how much they've won."

Don't go all Grandpa Simpson on us JHM.

Old_Zircon - 2016-05-06

What I'm saying is I'm pretty sure they know exactly how much they've won, why do you think there's so much enthusiasm for Sanders and so much anger over the whole primary situation and cronyism in the DNC?

The trick is for them to stay engaged and start doing the real work at the state level that will pave the way for a progressive victory next time. That is what the Sanders camp is talking about when they say "(political) revolution," and he has been very explicit about that over and over and over.

Myself, I'm disappointed he's almost definitely not going to be the nominee, but I'm not distraught or anything, if anything I think he'll make a better political martyr than president, and in the long run that might be what the new new left needs most right now, the last thing we need is for Sanders to become another Obama.

What I AM worried about is that he was probably a stronger candidate to run against Trump than Clinton will be.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-07

>>What I AM worried about is that he was probably a stronger candidate to run against Trump than Clinton will be.

Well, I don't think the Republicans agree. For a self-described socialist with a history of radical politics going back to the sixties, the republicans don't really criticize Bernie that much... or at all. Could that be because he's the one they want to run against?

EvilHomer - 2016-05-07

Maybe the Republicans aren't as bothered by Bernie, because Bernie isn't as big a scumbag?

You seem to believe that there's some kind of super-sneaky reverse-psychology plot at work here - like maybe the Republicans are *pretending* to hate Hillary, just so that all the Democrats would vote for Bernie (because obviously, as a Democrat, you want to vote for the candidate the Republicans are OK with, and it really matters to you what conservative radio hosts say) Honestly, though, you know and I know that this just mental gymnastics on your part. The Republicans aren't lurking in some Alpine bunker, secretly plotting with Robot Bernie Sanders in order to destroy America together. They're going after Hillary because she's a horrible candidate, and an even worse human being, whom everyone except for you hates.

gmol - 2016-05-07

If DC is any guide, Trump will be president and Bernie Sanders will fake his own death with a heart attack after beating Hilary in hand to hand combat.


Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-05-07

It never ceases to amaze me how few people are capable of a mature understanding of political fundamentals. Everyone wants to skip steps. Everyone wants to have an overnight revolution. No one wants to get their hands dirty and muddle through tedious but necessary compromises that create incremental, lasting change. They want it to be a Disney sports movie that consists entirely of Denzel's inspirational speech and a single cut to home team winning the big game.

You try to explain this to them. You try to explain, patiently, that Bernie Sanders will not, in fact, magically make college free and health care free and end all wars forever. They simply reply "The People Will Rise" as if this is some incredible insight and not the laziest, most childish view of politics humanly imaginable.

Fuck Bernie and fuck his supporters. You know what you have to do this election. Do it.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-07

>>No one wants to get their hands dirty and muddle through tedious but necessary compromises that create incremental, lasting change.

Well, I strongly feel that they should be offered a seat at the table. Fuck em if they don't want it.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-07

Even if all this were true, Mr Duck (I'm not saying it is, I'm not saying it's not), can you really fault Bernie's supporters for wanting a candidate who's been taking steps towards the desired change, instead of a candidate who's repeatedly and consistently dragged the country _away_ from said change? It is not a matter of Hillary taking baby steps versus Bernie taking giant steps; rather, the issue for Bernie supporters is that Hillary and her NSA-loving neo-liberal establishment pals have spent the last couple decades taking regular-sized steps *in the wrong direction*. If it's crazy to believe that Bernie will magically provide free college and an end to all war, then it's even crazier to think that Hillary - who's been directly involved in America's half-dozen-plus wars since 9/11 - will even start to take steps in the right direction.

I mean, Bernie supporters may suffer from a failure of cynical pragmatism, you could be right about that, but Hillary's supporters suffer from a failure to face reality. They keep wishing he'll fix things overnight, and you keep wishing she'll hit 70 and suddenly stop being evil. (at which point, she won't be able to support meaningful changes anyway, as per your arguments above)

If Bernie drops out, you guys - I mean all of you, Hilltards and Berningmen alike - should probably go vote for Jill Stein.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-07

I'm serious about that last bit, too. I've heard from a lot of Hillary supporters, and one of their core memes is that they are willing to embrace pragmatism and compromise. Well, Bernie Sanders supporters aren't going to compromise, and a lot of them simply aren't going to vote for Old Lady Warface, no matter what people like you and John say or do. The Bernie supporters *may*, however, be willing to vote third party! In fact, this is probably precisely what they will do, just like the Naderites did in 2000. You guys probably can't win without the Bernie supporters on your side, so then it becomes a question of: just how committed are you, REALLY, to compromise? Actual, honest-to-God, compromise? Are you going to set your pride aside and reach a sensible, equitable agreement with your Bernie-loving adversaries before it's too late? Or are you going to stubbornly stick with the dinosaur Democrats, knowing full well that a house divided cannot stand?

In fact, we could even take this a step further, and point out that any Hillary-aligned lefty who's truly interested in making a calculated, real-politik compromise, should in fact be voting for BERNIE, and urging his fellow Hillary supporters to do the same! Again, Bernie's supporters are (generally speaking) not rational. They cannot be convinced to give up their ideals and their demands for the sake of some vague rhetoric - which might be something you can live with, were it not for the fact that in the coming struggle, neither of you can win without the other.

You're playing a high-speed game of chicken together, and you know what the first rule of chicken is, right? The first rule is, if you're playing against a suicidal madman, you don't stay on the road, you jump off FIRST.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-07

Classic Evil Homer I could spend all week trying to unwind your tight little golf ball of assumption. Once upon a time, I would have tried.

The Clintons aren't evil. They are successful Democrtatic politicians in an era when Republicans have been setting the legislative agenda. If not for them and others like them, we'd all be living in a Margaret Atwood novel.

And the reason why the Republicans have been setting the agenda: Liberals don't vote in midterms. Especially the young voters.


So win or lose, most of these kids are going to be busy doing something else n two years, But while they're hear, they're going to pontificate about how the system doesn't work, and then they're going to vote for Trump? Vomit.

>>I'm serious about that last bit, too. I've heard from a lot of Hillary supporters, and one of their core memes is that they are willing to embrace pragmatism and compromise. Well, Bernie Sanders supporters aren't going to compromise, and a lot of them simply aren't going to vote for Old Lady Warface, no matter what people like you and John say or do. The Bernie supporters *may*, however, be willing to vote third party! In fact, this is probably precisely what they will do, just like the Naderites did in 2000. You guys probably can't win without the Bernie supporters on your side, so then it becomes a question of: just how committed are you, REALLY, to compromise? Actual, honest-to-God, compromise?

If by "compromise", you mean, "capitulate completely after you've already won.", and it seems that you do, my answer is "not that commited". I don't even know how that would work. They don't let you take back your pirimary vote.

But if Bernie had won, I would have been all in for Bernie. Same with Lincoln Chaffee and those other guys.

I don''t think that Bernie should drop out, or that his supporters should stop supporting him. I think they should fight to the end, and accept outcome, because it will put them in a better position next time out. As I've said, I'm much moire concerned about the Bernie Babies throwing away their accomplishments than about them throwing the election.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-07

>> The Clintons aren't evil.

I don't think you actually believe that, John, because if you did, then you wouldn't be trying to pass the blame for her failures on to the Republicans. You *know* that there's something rotten with Hillary, and you feel compelled to explain it away in a manner that fits your own emotional needs. This is something else I've noticed, time and time again, with Hillary supporters - none of of her supporters actually like her! They defend her because they feel she's the least-worst alternative, because they think she's the only one who can get the job done, because they think that somewhere deep down inside there's a good person who got mud on her from trying to wrestle with a cruel and evil world. They defend her for the same reason a battered woman stays with her abuser: because they feel powerless and scared. Because they've learned helplessness.

You can come up with all sorts of convoluted theories about Atwood novels and vast right-wing conspiracy theories if that silliness makes you feel better, but there's a far simpler explanation which accounts for why the Clintons appear to be evil: they're evil. Bill is a rapist, Hillary likes destabilizing Third World nations, it really is as simple as that.

As for Bernie, it's still technically possible for him to win, given that unlike the Republicans, the Democratic party doesn't even pretend to be beholden to the popular vote. If you Hillary people all at once stopped using memes like "compromise" and "pragmatism" as mere ritual chants - actually going out and compromising by getting behind the Bernster - then the Party would be untied, and your team would win. Or, you know, support the war criminal and her rapist husband out of fear, and get your Atwood novel instead.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-07

(not that an Atwood novel would really matter at this point, mind you, given that we're already halfway through an Orwell one, at least half of which has been written for us by establishment Democrats like Hillary herself)

EvilHomer - 2016-05-07

Incidentally, John: OFF-TOPIC (or not), but did you see that Boxxy is in Aurini's new video?! What did you think about that?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-07

A Therapist's office. John Holmes Motherfucker is lying on a couch. Evill Homer sits off to one side, making notes.

Evil Homer
I don't think you actually believe that, John, because if you did, then you wouldn't be trying to pass the blame for her failures on to the Republicans. You *know* that there's something rotten with Hillary, and you feel compelled to explain it away in a manner that fits your own emotional needs.

John Holmes Motherfucker
You kids are wrong, I hate all of you! RAARGHXFHDGHKJSGDHFHGFAHF

(Joihn Holmes Motherfucker runs out of the office, and into the woods)

EvilHomer - 2016-05-07

Seriously John, this is important news. She's on his video about Charisma. I hope you're not going to let Aurini get away with that.

Ocyrus - 2016-05-07

Fuck all you statist cunts, weak individuals who need a daddy to protect you, and give you the shit you want. Unless you embrace anarchism, you're just a proponent of violence.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-07

You guys should listen to Ocyrus.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-09

I fucked this up. When nobody understands what you're trying to say, that's on you. I'm not going to try to pull this out. Just don't mistake my terror for hate . In a terrifying election year, there's no doubt that being older, and with diminished options, increases the terror.

Also, the Bernie people are essentially correct in their view of things. Of course I know that.

I don't know Hillary Clinton, so I can only speculate about whether or not she's evil, but one thing I know is capable of great evil is the Internet, & the internet is giving Hillary Clinton the Sarkeesian treatment.

My fear is that we're getting a tea party of the left, complete with ideological litmus tests, and an inability to compromise that will break down the system just enough to create an opening for the plutocrats to exploit.

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