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Comment count is 72
simon666 - 2016-05-20

I voted for this in the hopper for its fodder potential. Also, is it a coincidence this woman looks like boxxy?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-20

It's not entirely a coincidence. June used to be a prominent figure in the Boxxysphere. What little history she and I have is contentious. Still, I think she's one of the most honest and intelligent (and funniest) of the many many many people representing this point of view on the YouTube. I especially respect her for rejecting the "White Knight" canard. As a woman who is a critic of feminism, she takes a lot of the same shit that a feminist man has to take.

And there's no doubt that the video she's responding to is an embarassment to feminism. I mean, DOUBLE FACEPALM, right?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-20

I just found a song June recorded about Boxxy fans.

June's Boxxy impression

Her criticism of those creeps at Unichan

EvilHomer - 2016-05-20

Never stop chasing the dream, John.

EvilHomer - 2016-05-20

One question I did have: were you into girls like this *before* Boxxy, or was she the start of this particular fetish?

EvilHomer - 2016-05-20

^ not meant to be mean. Again, I do not judge you or your feelings for Boxxy, and I too understand the pain of unrequited love.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-20

At this late date, this sort of banter isn't hurtful, and I'd I'd have to be carzier than I actually am not to expect it.

June's huge head is kind of strange-looking, but there's something beguiling about the acerbic wit and and the Long Island accent that I learned to steer clear of before June was ever born, during my years at SUNY Binghamton.

Old_Zircon - 2016-05-20

Jeff Dunham Sex Doll.

bawbag - 2016-05-20


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-20


EvilHomer - 2016-05-20


Old_Zircon - 2016-05-20

In the preview image, on the left.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-20

My apologies.

That guy - 2016-05-20

that pink stuffed animal reminds me of this for some reason:

Old_Zircon - 2016-05-21

It reminds me of


Because it is.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2016-05-20

Almost 300,000 subscribers all of whom are white knights s although I was surprised to see her monthly Patreon at only 900 bucks. Figured that thing would be over 5k

5 for the submitter + boxxy look alike.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-20

>>>Almost 300,000 subscribers all of whom are white knights


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-20


EvilHomer - 2016-05-20

Of course there's a Boxxy wiki.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-20

There's a ton of them. There's also a picture of Catie with a shoe on her head.

Anybody wants to discuss the content, go ahead, I'll join in. I'm not going to attempt it by myself.

TheGrungle - 2016-05-20


Nominal - 2016-05-20

*draws permanent market penis on your forehead*

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-20

Where did YOU study economics?

Nominal - 2016-05-20

Permanent market: Renaissance age tech improvement from Civ 6.


Hooker - 2016-05-21


That guy - 2016-05-20

That Buzzfeeed video deserves everything it gets.

She's witty as fuck and really fucking smart, especially for her age. (well, on her good days, she is. On her bad days she's just another uncircumspect youtube politics person)

She has pretty much reached the point now where, to level up as an internet wit, she should make the "Here's where I disagree with all my MRA fans" video.
Or address the recent Harvard study on the gender pay gap, which is a little more nuanced and a million times more academic than hers:
Or talk about the actual threats and harassment and shit, in addition to talking about the bullshit half of it, which is Buzzfeed-level stupidity and an easy target:

Of course, that might be hard to do as a 20-something when you know that all you have to do is stay the course to get 1/4M views every time.

That guy - 2016-05-20

On second thought, she's probably never going to do better than witty criticism on shit like this, and typical internet bullshit otherwise.

15th - 2016-05-20

I'd flat earth blog for 0 a month.

That guy - 2016-05-20

well, yeah, there's that

Nominal - 2016-05-20

Yeah she does dip into the Rand objectivist well every now and then and that's where I tune out.

She's spot on about this nonsense though.

1 star for every 100 people murdered in McBain(!), and for the insistence below that every opinion has to be an all or nothing binary divide. I would almost call it insulting to women to say that the only possible reason they could have for disagreeing with you was being brainwashed by evil men.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-21

There's at lest three pages of links about a woman staining her shorts, including this Gem from "The Return of Kings"

"Deranged Indian Feminist Runs London Marathon With Period Blood Running Down Her Leg"

http://www.returnofkings.com/69485/deranged-indian-feminist-ru ns-london-marathon-with-period-blood-running-down-her-leg

I'm absolutely convinced. From what I can see, one woman did this one time. This wasn't violence, or nudity, or any serious health hazard to anyone, yet Return of Kings is seriously treating this as if it were an an attempt to bring down civilization, and they are far from the only ones. Period shaming is absolutely a thing.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-21

This should be further down.

That guy - 2016-05-21

Yeah, I could tell.
If it makes you feel any better, I think of womankind as a bloody marathoner, so you probably were talking at me anyway.

Spaceman Africa - 2016-05-20

I'm good, thanks

That guy - 2016-05-20

Buzzfeed is really doing God's work.

kingarthur - 2016-05-20

I don't have time for this as I have terminal cancer now.

Can someone give me the low down? I'm aware of Boxxy, the old "shoe on head" meme (though was never sure what it was meant to convey), etc.

What I'm aksing is: who is this girl, why do we care, what's her position/relation to feminism and MRAs and which POEtv creeps are aligned on either side of that divide and.or just want to tag underage Internet celebrities.

Points if you can do it in 1000 words or less.

simon666 - 2016-05-20

Really about the cancer?

EvilHomer - 2016-05-20

She's a Boxxy cosplayer turned popular vlogger. "We" don't really care, this is more JHM's thing. She's a female MRA. John is on her side and yes he wants to tag her.

That guy - 2016-05-20

I hope you are feeling as well as one can.

kingarthur - 2016-05-20

OKay, gotcha. Thanks.

Yes, no trolling or joking. I have stage IV esophageal cancer for no good reason (I never drank or smoked) and the oncologist estimates I have 12 to 18 months to live. Which would put me falling off the mortal coil anywhere from April 2017 to October 2017.

Currently trying to work out leaving my job and getting on disability insurance so I can live what life I got left.

That guy - 2016-05-20

I am rooting for that leave and insurance for you.

Monkey Napoleon - 2016-05-20

Calling out tumblr feminists =/= MRA

I know of this girl because I'd seen her in some of her boyfriend's (ArmoredSkeptic) videos, and after awhile they started a channel together. They both make fun of MRA's in their videos together all the time.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-20

I submitted this as a way of compensating for dismissing the video by by Christine something something from the Something Something or whatever. I think she's an evil bitch with an agenda to hoodwink stupid young men into voting against their own interest for the next 40 years.

What I like about June is that she roundly rejects the White Knight stereotyping. That's huge, in my opinion, for more than one reason. I think it shows intellectual integrity. She reviews a video by a feminist man, and she's super critical, but she pulls back from being disrespectful. And this is a guy who most youtube antifeminists would love to mock.

When I was her age, I was a libertarian. What changed my mind was life. Right now, everything she knows about feminism is from the internet. I can't predict how her views will change in the years to come, but they will change.

Also, I am a feminist, but I agree with more of this ,video than I disagree with. It pisses me off that these are considered legitimate "questions for men" Talking to men like they're all potential rapists is at least as offensive as talking to women as if they're all potential prostitutes.

People talk about "outrage culture" but the internet is an outrage economy. It's so easy to get attention by being polemical, and on the internet, attention is everything.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-20

Fuck. What do you say to something like that?

King Arthur, I promise that we'll remember you. I hope that's some comfort.

There may be limits to what we can do for you, but nothing you should be afraid to ask for.

Old_Zircon - 2016-05-20

Well shit, King Arthur.

simon666 - 2016-05-20

Shit. Best of luck making the next year or so into what you want. Maybe a number of months from now you'll just stop posting here because other things are more salient. Do say goodbye though if you get the chance.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-05-20

Keep us updated: if you decide to hit the road, I'm sure I'm not the only one willing to show you a good time. Also, for what it is worth, hit the bank and the credit card companies before you file your paperwork and get some money/credit together. You'll need it, and they sure as hell don't.

memedumpster - 2016-05-20



That's not fair at all.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2016-05-21

Fuck, dude, I'm sorry to hear that :(

EvilHomer - 2016-05-21

Yeah, wow, that's just terrible. Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help! :(

bawbag - 2016-05-21

Horrible news Kingarthur, so sorry to hear this.

Bort - 2016-05-21

We got your back in any way we possibly can, kingarthur.

I have a friend who recently died of pancreatic cancer; I'm pleased to say that a fuckton of marijuana kept her comfortable to the very end. You're in Louisiana, right?

http://www.thecannabist.co/2016/05/20/louisiana-medical-mariju ana-bill-signed/54539/

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-23

>>>She's a Boxxy cosplayer turned popular vlogger.

She's been a vlogger since highschool. She did a Boxxy cosplay video. Once.

Redford - 2016-05-20

I also had no idea what Period Shaming is, so I decided to search for that on google and see what I got. So, apparently it involves femanists. It involves women who think they don't actually need to wear sanity pads, because they should be able to bleed everywhere and remind everyone that they have a period. And then the images are a bunch of pictures of women who ran a marathon while having a period with no protection so they could show off their free bleeding to the masses.


John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-20

It looks to me like it was one woman, and a whole bunch of pictures and a whole lot of people making a whole lotta internet hay.

I also find this disturbing, but really, why?

Are you sure these women have simply abandoned feminine products, or was it just a one time act of protest.

I think maybe I get this. I can see how exhausting it must be to keep this natural thing from the world all the time. A woman says FUCK IT one time, and everybody's gotta blog about it.

magnesium - 2016-05-21

Yeah it was just the one. Channers did a prank about it being a trend, although mostly no one fell for it but other channers.

It's kind of amazing how offended so many guys got because a runner lady had some period blood on her one time. Runners puke all the time and even occasionally poop themselves at marathons and it doesn't become an international freak out.

TeenerTot - 2016-05-21

"Sanity pads."


Grandmaster Funk - 2016-05-21

I don't recall anyone being too "offended," except in the sense of simple offense to the senses. It's only the religion of feminism that obligates us to see bodily waste as some kind of holy, sacred thing because it came out of a wymyn's body. Sure, people piss, shit, and puke in marathons. What all those things have in common is that people try to avoid them, and particularly try to avoid having them smeared on them in public.

Could you imagine if some dude ran a marathon with a load of diarrhea in his shorts, then posted pictures about it, beaming with pride at how he's fighting oppression because it's "natural" and people should cheer him for it.

Would you think it oppressive or offensive to laugh at a moron like that?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-21

>>I don't recall anyone being too "offended," except in the sense of simple offense to the senses.

Well, I don't know why the blood of a woman in London should offend the senses of bloggers in North America.

You can find information about people who were IDEOLOGICALLY offended that at this website.


Incidentally, that's a useful site, you might want to to bookmark it.

>>>Could you imagine if some dude ran a marathon with a load of diarrhea in his shorts, then posted pictures about it, beaming with pride at how he's fighting oppression because it's "natural" and people should cheer him for it.

>>>IWould you think it oppressive or offensive to laugh at a moron like that?

>>I think it would be a stupid thing to blog about.

Bort - 2016-05-21

She is more dismissive about the wage gap than she should be.

http://www.vox.com/2016/4/12/11410270/equal-pay-day-2016-women s-choices-wage-gap

"The "79 cents on the dollar" statistic doesn't mean that every woman makes 21 percent less than every man.

"But it's a good shorthand for talking about all the complicated factors that cause women to earn less: systemically lower-paying jobs, fewer hours, fewer promotions, more social pressure to take time off for care work, and so on. It's an imperfect, yet still meaningful, representation of how and why women still aren’t treated as equals in the workplace. And it helps us talk about the issue, and keep talking about it, which is the small but essential first step to doing something about it."

Grandmaster Funk - 2016-05-21

Is "and so on" where you're hiding all the many, many interlocking privileges women enjoy that tend to relate to them technically having less cash in their paycheck on average (or actually help them earn more money than is deserved for the work they do)?

You know, like:

...greater chance of being able to rely on a partner's income
...greater freedom to choose an occupation based on interest, enjoyment and fulfillment than on earning potential
...more commonly enjoying time-off.
...being able to prioritize family life (why are awesome things always cast as terrible by feminists -- no one idolizes the shitty male life more than feminists)
...rarely working jobs where life and limb are at stake
...female dominance well-paid, low-skill paper-pushing positions like middle-management and human resources.
...the ease of failing upward into managerial roles for unqualified women hired into the tech sector
...https://www.recruiter.com/i/people-management-finds-widespr ead-hr-bias-against-men-and-overweight-women/ (something everyone not beholden to the ass-kissing imperative has witnessed over and over again -- given the same skills, women are inevitably judged more competent than men)

Honestly, the most important privilege of maleness is that we don't have feminism telling us we're perfect as we are and any difficulties we encounter are someone else's fault. As a man, you learn very quickly that you have no one to rely on but yourself to make your destiny, and even if someone else is fucking you over, it's always your fault. Women are encouraged by feminism to be blind themselves to their personal shortcomings and blame any and every difficulty they encounter on a shadowy, all-powerful conspiracy of men. Here in the real world, we can see strong, assertive women thriving and building skills and garnering respect all around us.

Men have always been the primary targets of things like "victim-blaming" and "normalized violence" and being judged "not likable," but since it benefits no one to give a shit about men, these are perceived as women's issues, for the simple fact that only issues that affect women are considered to be real.

So, nicely done mansplaining what a woman should care about, but in point of fact, she's exactly as dismissive as she should be, and that yen to take personal responsibility will serve her well.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-21

Also, this business about "A lot of women have cried wolf" over rape.

We really need to acknowledge the shitty fact of life that, for reasons that have nothing to do with rape culture or the patriarchy, rape is an extraordinarily difficult crime to prove. The evidence can be ambiguous and ephemeral. Rapists get away with it all the time, and it's entirely possible for a woman (or a man) to be raped, and to not be able to prove it. This makes the dubious statistics about false rape claims that MRAs use especially dubious. They love to talk about "buyer's regret," a narrative where a woman decides that she was raped after consensual sex, A
woman who feels embarrassment or shame after sex isn't likely to want to resolve those feelings in open court.

They back it up with famous cases that have nothing to do with the narrative. The stripper in the Duke Lacrosse Team case, which is the favorite, never h
ad sex with any of those guys, so it's not "buyer's regret". (Mostly, it was prosecutor misconduct, something that happens all the time, just not with white defendants. ) There's a good documentary about this case on Netflix, produced by ESPN. I think it's called "Outrageous Lies"

No one really knows what happened in the UVA case, other than Rolling Stone printed a story
it couldn't prove, and backed down at the threat of legal action. The alleged victim had never gone to the police, There was no investigation until a year after the fact. Of course the police found no evidence. Last time I checked, the case had been suspended, but not closed. It's never been officially determined that no one was raped.

Sometimes, they even like to cite the case of poor Fatty Arbuckle. But Virginia Rappe never accused Roscoe Arbuckle of anything. She died.

Sometimes women lie about rape because they feel trapped. Towana Brawley lied to avoid strict parental punishment. The woman in the Duke case lied to conceal her bad behavior from Social Services.

Bort - 2016-05-21

"Also, this business about "A lot of women have cried wolf" over rape."

Agreed. I think she has about a quarter of a point there, to the extent that, when a guy hears a rape allegation, one thought he has is, "if I were falsely accused of rape, would I want everyone to believe it without proof?"

But the three-quarters of a point she loses are that 1) false accusations of rape are pretty damn rare as far as anyone can tell, and 2) even most guys will believe rape allegations if the woman's case for rape sounds plausible.

Grandmaster Funk - 2016-05-21

Well, all you have to do to prove to yourself that women lie about rape, and it's not particularly "rare," is actually read the research claiming to prove that they don't. When you actually look at the methodologies used, and the number of exceptions they have to put into place to arrive at that desired conclusion, you will recognize these studies for what they are: opinion pieces dressed up as research. For a taste of what kind of things you'll see if you actually look: it's only a "lie" if the woman is prosecuted and found guilty of the lie, AND the study authors subjectively judged the lie to be "malicious." However, men are presumed guilty at the moment an accusation is made. If a man is exonerated in court, that's not counted as false accusation (and it would be improper to do so), but rather as a rapist gone free (also improper).

Worse, it's not just about lying. It can also be about simple misidentification on the part of the woman. For all the trumpeting about how we just need to "Believe women!", believing women was and is pretty much standard operating procedure, and it leads to a lot of random dudes getting locked up because of a woman's feels. I mean: http://www.innocenceproject.org/all-cases/ -- you don't even have to be black. You just need to be a dude on the wrong side of a woman being believed.

In other cases, rape culture (the one where feminists make more and more things rape that aren't rape) can lead to some women, like the infamous Mattress Girl, not even realizing that they're lying. All available evidence suggests that Mattress Girl felt disrespected when her sleazy fwb bounced right after she let him butt-bang her. On college campuses, feeling dirty or disrespected after, or like your partner was insufficiently sensitive, is more and more being promoted as an indicator that maybe a rape happened. (As opposed to simpler criteria like -- Did I explicitly invite this guy to my room to fuck me, then let him fuck me as planned, then continue chatting with him about what a great fuck he was?)

memedumpster - 2016-05-21

Those aren't tens of thousands of untested rape kits, no, that's womens' privilege!

Cartoonish arguments.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-21

>>Men have always been the primary targets of things like "victim-blaming" and "normalized violence" and being judged "not likable,"

I don't agree. ALWAYS is a long time. Violence against women

>> but since it benefits no one to give a shit about men,

Please don't. I swore I wasn't going to cry...

>>these are perceived as women's issues, for the simple fact that only issues that affect women are considered to be real.

One reason why these are perceived as women's issues is that no one ever brings this shit up except as a justification for disregarding women's issues, like you're doing right now.

It isn't feminism that ties your worth as a human being to your ability to produce economically. It's sexism.

It isn't feminism that makes violence a normal part of being a man; it's sexism.

It isn't feminism that gives you the responsibility for initiating sex and intimacy with women, it's sexism.

The real formal patriarchy has fallen, it's dead.. But we've all been defining ourselves by the patriarchy so long it's who we are. Patriarchal customs, institutions, and expectations don't really work anymore. It's not oppression. It's dysfunction.

No one gender is the villain. We were all born into this clusterfuck.

Every woman's issue is the other side of a man's issue. Every man's issue is the other side of woman's issue. You can't solve any of them from just one side.

NewHeavenSockman - 2016-05-21

what i love most about your MRA word vomit buffet is that while you whine about the apparent lack of rigorous standards for studies supporting feminist ideas, the only apparent study you have to support your worldview that we're living in some sort of frank miller emasculation nightmare is a link that states that fat women are more negatively treated then men by HR

also i was curious about your statement regarding false rape allegations and actually did look, and surprise you're completely wrong

https://www.politieacademie.nl/kennisenonderzoek/kennis/mediat heek/PDF/45316.pdf

feel free to check page 47, though I'm sure you're going to whine about the british home office being some insidious sjw hive that paul elam totally busted in a thirty-hour video which i'm never going to watch

Old_Zircon - 2016-05-21

" As a man, you learn very quickly that you have no one to rely on but yourself to make your destiny, and even if someone else is fucking you over, it's always your fault."

If I ran a marathon with a load of shit this huge in my pants and posted photos of it on Facebook, would it offend you ideologically?

Nominal - 2016-05-22

Well, it is true that someone's life is utterly fucked forever at the mere accusation of any kind of sexual crime, regardless of the credibility (hello, McMartin!). The default is guilty.

Even murderers don't have it as bad.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-22

>>Well, it is true that someone's life is utterly fucked forever at the mere accusation of any kind of sexual crime, regardless of the credibility (hello, McMartin!). The default is guilty.

I'm not entirely disagreeing, but it's a separate issue, and you're overstating it. The McMartin case is hardly typical. In fact, according to an article I just looked up, it was the longest and most expensive trial in American history.

Also, the McMartin case led to certain reforms to prevent a repeat occurrence.

The McMartin case and the Duke rape case have two things in common: publicity and a politically ambitious prosecutor. In the case of the Duke Lacrosse team, the prosecutor was disbarred for withholding evidence. However, rape is hardly the only crime where a prosecutor overreaches


You're going to have a hard time convincing me that in a typical case of someone going to the police with an accusation of rape that is not credible, and when there's nothing in it for the prosecutor, the prosecutor is going to be gung-ho to take this to court. There's always a bit of a stigma when someone is arrested and indicted for a crime, but I'm not convinced it always gets that far.

However, in whatever percentage of cases a high profile (even within a local community) sex crime trial occurs, yeah, the publicity is particularly devestating on the defendant, no matter what the outcome of the trial is.

But the rape of a woman is even more unique in that practically no woman ever comes forward without being called a liar. And this is the unfortunate stereotype that led to rape being politicized by feminists. That's a good thing in that the stereotype being challenged. It's a bad thing in that change in the narrative led to new damaging stereotypes.

Pushing your feminist narrative of women telling the truth, or your MRA narrative of women lying, isn't going to help get justice. The truth is that the narrative is always different with every new case.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-22

Well, all you have to do to prove to yourself that women lie about rape, and it's not particularly "rare," is actually read the research claiming to prove that they don't. When you actually look at the methodologies used, and the number of exceptions they have to put into place to arrive at that desired conclusion, you will recognize these studies for what they are: opinion pieces dressed up as research.

Okay, so I can't prove that you're a man, therefore you're a woman? That's essentially the logic you're using here.

>>>For a taste of what kind of things you'll see if you actually look: it's only a "lie" if the woman is prosecuted and found guilty of the lie, AND th an MRA blog?e study authors subjectively judged the lie to be "malicious." However, men are presumed guilty at the moment an accusation is made. If a man is exonerated in court, that's not counted as false accusation (and it would be improper to do so), but rather as a rapist gone free (also improper).

Well, the presumption of innocence means that the courts are supposed to be skewed in the opposite direction,. Since the burden is on the prosecution, and rape can be extraordinarily hard to prove , it's probable that plenty of rapists are getting away with it. I believe in the presumption of innocence, and I don't have a better solution for the justice system, but let's not get TOO outraged at the injustice of switching the burden of proof for a non-binding study.

I think that the kind of study you're describing has value, depending on how the data is used. Since you know how the data was compiled, they obviously weren't hiding it from you. The number of men who are getting away with rape is unknowable, but the number of men who MAY be getting away with it is knowable, and it's a clue. It's an outside number. It can be combined with the data from the courts to surmise the range of possibilities.

So, are you actually reading gender studies research, or did you get that information from A VOICE FOR MEN?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-05-22

First paragraph in the above post is quote from Grandmaster Flash.

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