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Comment count is 16
Oscar Wildcat - 2016-05-17

So is Jeb using body doubles like Saddam used to do? Coz that sure doesn't _sound_ like him. Plus, too much energy!

Stars for "You just assaulted me, you fool".

Caminante Nocturno - 2016-05-17

Those were some real sissy punches Jeb was throwing. How was he expecting to handle our nation's enemies with those sissy punches?

Maggot Brain - 2016-05-17

The sound of wet meat slapping around.

Xenocide - 2016-05-17

He tweeted a photo of his gun one time, remember? That's how you know he's tough.

crojo - 2016-05-17

http://m.nydailynews.com/news/national/video-purse-snatcher-bites- attorney-detained-article-1.1461804

poorwill - 2016-05-17

thx for the background. oh, it's orcs.

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-05-17

for the reddit asperger whistle blowers


but seriously y'all it's real they just tried to cover it up


seriously the amount of rain man fucks on this website is astonishing, or is that just the bane of turning 40?

This train has no brakes.

This was always the plan.

Maggot Brain - 2016-05-17

That article is horid. "Sometimes crime bites back lol"

Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-05-18

I don't have any clue what the fuck lotsmoreorcs is babbling on about, but I do know it's dumb as hell.

Xenocide - 2016-05-17

Please slap.

That guy - 2016-05-17

orcs, you're such a try-hard

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-05-17

fat guy: TOP CUCK

SolRo - 2016-05-17

he mad

That guy - 2016-05-18

SolRo and I agree about you, orcs.

Do you understand that?? You're like an abstruse math concept or some special point in non-Euclidean geometry or something.

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-05-18

i know u think about me alot so

poorwill - 2016-05-19

there are millions of people like you lotsmoreorcs and they are all boring

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