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Comment count is 40
Bort - 2016-06-05

Trump meant "my" in a literal sense.

SolRo - 2016-06-05

Why didn't he just say "yo my nigga over here!"


Enjoy - 2016-06-05

How does it feel to be the only SJW on poetv?

SolRo - 2016-06-05

Better than being one out of a couple racist idiots

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-06-05


lotsmoreorcs - 2016-06-05

i got something coming for you SolRod, i'll be back with it in a minute

Spaceman Africa - 2016-06-05

solro isn't even iron pilled yet

Cena_mark - 2016-06-05

I think SJW just means nonbigot.

Cena_mark - 2016-06-05

The accusations of one being an SJW usually come out when someone calls out racism or bigotry. The SQWs then start calling said nonbigot an SJW. I for one am glad with how widespread the term SJW has become, as it's made identifying idiots fat easier.

Caminante Nocturno - 2016-06-05

It certainly has, Cena.

15th - 2016-06-05

I think there is a grey space between bigotry and "SJWin'." It's poor taste. This particular Trump moment isn't racist, it's just tacky as hell.

Cena_mark - 2016-06-05

Not racist? The guy knows he has hardly any minorities on his side, so he's like, "Look everybody, I have a black friend. See, I told you I wasn't racist, cause I have a black friend and here he is."

15th - 2016-06-05

I'd bet Trump believes the White race is superior to others. I'm mean he has certainly said things that are legitimately racist as heck. I'm just saying this particular clip is just tactless and stupid - not racist - using the strict definition racism. I don't know why I'm making this point. One star.

Cena_mark - 2016-06-05

When people use the word racist, they don't mean the strictest sense. Neal Boortz would pull the same shit when he said something like that. He'd pull out the dictionary and read the definition and yada yada, actual by the dictionary racism means beliefs of superiority of certain races over others. He'd use that dumb argument to say he wasn't being racist when he said Rep. Cynthia McKinney "looks like a ghetto slut." He was being racist. Clear and simple.

15th - 2016-06-05

>>When people use the word racist, they don't mean the strictest sense.

Yeah, I know.

My already abandoned point was that people can say tacky, racially insensitive or ignorant things and not necessarily be bigoted/shit people. Trump is not one of them.

Cena_mark - 2016-06-05

The man's entire success in this campaign has been based on stirring up nativism and bigotry. I don't see how you think he's not bigoted, when he's exploiting bigotry for his advantage.

15th - 2016-06-05

What? I think Trump is a racist piece of shit.

SolRo - 2016-06-05

I was making fun of Trump using the evil Politically Correct language that his followers hate so much and constantly harp about how Trump isn't just another overly sensitive baby and uses mean words.

And apparently it had the right effect, of pissing off his little bigot fanboys on the site.

15th - 2016-06-05

" I'd bet Trump believes the White race is superior to others. I'm mean he has certainly said things that are legitimately racist as heck."

"...not necessarily be bigoted/shit people. Trump is not one of them."

Possibly succinct enough:

" I think Trump is a racist piece of shit."

15th - 2016-06-05

Bigot is a pretty heavy indictment, maybe take your foot off the gas a bit? It doesn't feel too sweet.

My point about semantics was dumb, I concede.

>>"My already abandoned point was that people can say tacky, racially insensitive or ignorant things and not necessarily be bigoted/shit people. Trump is not one of them."

Possibly a point? My fellow progressive may be to quick to damn someone for something stupid they say that doesn't have nefarious intent involving race. (Trump is not one of them).

EvilHomer - 2016-06-05


Cena_mark - 2016-06-05

Speaking of that Homer, did you see the latest episode. Looks like Fluttershy would be a fan of the right's austerity measures.

EvilHomer - 2016-06-05

Unfortunately, I have not! I spent most of last week worrying about CA, wandering around NYC, and binge watching Ash vs Evil Dead. I have not had a chance to catch up on MLP.

I *was* thinking of possibly inviting HumanFluttershy over tomorrow to watch a few new My Little Pony episodes, but just how "right wing" does this latest episode get? I don't want to subject HF to anything too triggering, for fear that she might get upset.

EvilHomer - 2016-06-05

Or turned on... :\

Cena_mark - 2016-06-05

Fluttershy shows her callousness towards the unemployed. That unemployed pony being her own brother!

EvilHomer - 2016-06-06

Callousness towards the unemployed? So like, Fluttershy is in favour of lax immigration laws that flood the country with cheap donkey labour, all while her own native-born pegasus brother can't find work?

That would be pretty callous. Fluttershy should Make Equestria Great Again.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-06-06

The problem with conservatives and race is well-documented and needs not be releated here. What frustrates me is the brick wall you encounter when trying to explain it to them, first in human terms, then in political terms:

1) Even if you don't see (insert minority here)'s grievance as valid, that's largely not for you to decide. While not every single complaint is automatically valid just because it's a problem with white people, 95% of the time it is, and it's not up to you to tell another person what bothers them. You do not understand the emotional, sociological, political, historical or psychological context underlying another person's heart. And unless you've got a black belt in empathy and are ridiculously well-informed on the trillion variables that inform their feelings, you should give them the benefit of the doubt, say "Whoops, sorry" if you say something rude, and treat them like fucking people.

2) Okay, so that went over like a lead balloon. Fine. At least pretend to care OH GOD STOP PRETENDING TO CARE THIS IS SO MUCH MORE AWKWARD GO BACK TO BEING OPENLY RACIST whew okay. If you continue to ignore minority voters, the GOP will become a strictly regional party consisting exclusively of old Southern white straight Christian males who are """"not racist but"""". That is a ridiculously small tent that will not win elections.

"But liberals are the real racists!"

"Oh Jesus...no, look, why do you think 90% of blacks voted for Obama?"

"Because they're lazy welfare queens and he gave them free stuff!"

"Uh huh. And Hispanics? Why don't they vote Republican?"

"Because they're a bunch of stupid lazy rapists on welfare!"


"Let me now shift the conversation to how beautiful rape babies are."

You tell them there's s problem, they deny it. You show them there's a problem, they shift the blame. They experience the problem firsthand, they blame it on everyone else being dtupid and vote for Donald Fucking Trump.

Harveyjames - 2016-06-06

The moment you unironically employ the term "SJW", you mark yourself out as a fucking idiot.

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-06-07

The nuclear twilight casts a pale green glow over the rubble of the decimated amphitheater, rays forming what look like interdimensional rifts in swirling dust. The sky has gone from the usual muddy grey overcast to a deep dark purple, a sign to the learned that there is a good chance of a full on Radiation Alert for the next several hours as waves waft off of disused power cell coils strewn across the outlying ruins that border the City. The air is thin, cool and quiet in a way that only those who have been in a war-zone will recognize as deceptively abuzz. Timber lookout posts have sprung up along a long line of bombed-out terrestrial gunner pods, trees lashed together with the ropes knotted and looped back around and down from the top structures to double climbing ladders. In doing so the Sensibles confounded the first wave of Dust Troopers fitted with heavier exoskeletons. Although a few overzealous Captains made a show of falling the towers and hunting and publicly executing the Sensle scouts, General Lotsmo curtailed their bloodlust promptly with a no-kill order to extend for the 24 hours or unless engaged (the prospect, all knew, was likely).
The locals were riled up enough, and those ready to fall in line had fled the long way to the upper neutral zones along the Plateau Biomes to the North. Those who remained were there to fight, to die or kill.

Nueva Yorkshire was the largest metroplex remaining on the Imperial Coast, and although the center of the city was largely scooped out by bombs and fighting, the surrounding infrastructure was more or less intact and had been revitalized by the scattered tribes of the postwar era. In its heyday Yorkshire had a populace of nearly 20 million, now TR-Biomass scans yielded a little over three hundred thousand warm bodies remaining. The Sensibles had risen from clandestine positions soon after the Solar Grid was reactivated and electricity was restored.

Lotsmo is plodding through his recollection of events when out of nowhere a heat ping blares through the tinny interior of his helmet. His third eye jumps and the bioscans immediately hone in on a single figure scrabbling into a sprint after emerging from what must have been some sort of heat displacement pod tucked into the rubble.

Could I be this lucky? The general thinks to himself, keeping in mind the last minute notices that had begun to get the Feeds buzzing about the Sense King himself having been stranded and in hiding in secret when they were sure he had already jumped out.

The Mite-Cams are doing their job and already swarming the figure. The video feed snaps into view after a few seconds and the scans immediately confirm it is in fact the one they call Solrod. He is already batting at the Mites, they are swarming him incessantly but are unequipped to take him down. Solrod is swathed in filthy leather rags, the dome of his bald head luminescent against the merciless sun. One sinewy arm is wrapped around a staff, scrabbling for purchase as the swarm of nano bites terrorize him.

SolRo - 2016-06-07


SixDigitDebt - 2016-06-05

The category is 'People Who Annoy You.'

Enjoy - 2016-06-05

Not quite as good as Biden calling out his Butt Buddy but close.

Gmork - 2016-06-05

He's literally doing the "I'M NOT RACIST BECAUSE I HAVE BLACK FRIENDS" thing. Except that they're not actually his friends, so it means even less.

Sudan no1 - 2016-06-05

not racist because he has black friends̶

Sudan no1 - 2016-06-05

meant to reply to gmork, also it looks like he'll have to find a new token black

http://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/06/05/480864303/tr umps-african-american-i-am-not-a-trump-supporter

13.5 - 2016-06-05

Behold you my negro
Consider him
Is he not fine?


Aw, it's a BLACK man!
Who's a good minority voter?
Who? Who is it?
It's YOU!
GOOD minority voter!

Binro the Heretic - 2016-06-06

The real-life individual was probably like, "Shit! Don't point me out. They might think I'm a protestor. I don't want to be beaten and pepper-sprayed."

Fezren - 2016-06-06

Naw, they only beat and pepper-spray the protesters who shout obscenities in children's faces and spit on crowds.

Fezren - 2016-06-06

I don't believe Trump is racist. I've looked at all the evidence. It presents a very weak case for racism. Circumstantial at best.

All the authoritarian lefties that like to cry racism at the mere mention of race are very quickly denigrating the term. In the 90s, I took a very good multiculturalism course. It taught students the definitions of racism, bigotry, generalization, stereotyping, and more. Back then, an accusation of racism was a serious thing, and required way more proof than, let's say, "He referenced a statistic about Mexicans crossing the border illegally!". It seems that what students are taught today is so different and ridiculously incorrect on a factual level that it's no wonder to me that race relations in the US have floundered in the last couple decades.

memedumpster - 2016-06-06

That guy was Hindu.

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