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Comment count is 10
duck&cover - 2016-06-11

Neh, neh, neh, to you too. How about I pull out your cable?

Accidie - 2016-06-11

Neh neh neh neh neh neh neh

Bus_Aint_Comin - 2016-06-11

look out, boston dynamics.

Caminante Nocturno - 2016-06-11

NehNeh... did you lost memory of food, too??

Binro the Heretic - 2016-06-11

The worst part is it took someone's job.

What's that person going to do for money, now? I mean, it's not like there were a lot of openings in that field before and now it's becoming automated.

TeenerTot - 2016-06-11

He's even wearing boxface. Robots will never understand how offensive that is.

Bort - 2016-06-11

five ASCII character 2A's for TeenerTot

memedumpster - 2016-06-11

For TeenerTot.

Bort - 2016-06-11

That music ... that's Cyber Dance, right?

Raggamuffin - 2016-06-12

Getting into the "second choice" robotics school has it's advantages

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