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Comment count is 10
EvilHomer - 2016-06-11

Best tag team ever. Discuss.

Cena_mark - 2016-06-11

Two druggies in the minor leagues making lame videos.

EvilHomer - 2016-06-11

Jeff Hardy is no minor leaguer. He is main-carding Juggalo Championship Wrestling this year.

EvilHomer - 2016-06-11

And at any rate, the only reason why Matt and Jeff aren't in the WWE anymore, is because the Attitude Era ended, and they were deemed Too Xtreme for the watered-down, milk-and-vitamins crap that Linda and her Republican buddies wanted to push on America's children. The Hardys don't compromise. They stay true to their art.

Cena_mark - 2016-06-12

Why'd they shoot this with a single camera? I understand we wrestling fans suspend our disbelief, but I can't when this even which is supposed to be happening on the fly is clearly being shot with multiple takes to get the various camera angles. They should have just brought 2 cameras and shot it in cinema verite style, it would have been easier and more convincing. This odd stylistic choice is clearly influenced by decades of drug abuse.

EvilHomer - 2016-06-12

Single camera is for low-budget amateurs. You've seen their house. You know their resume. The Hardys are wrestling wroyalty, and their cinematography must reflect that.

Old_Zircon - 2016-06-11

Wait, Russell Brand is wrestling now?

Jack Dalton - 2016-06-12

I'm just glad these guys are alive and not another pain-killer overdose tragedy...

I've rarely meet people who watch WWE-- what's the audience for TNA and Impact?

Cena_mark - 2016-06-12

If you've met a person who watches TNA, that's their fanbase.

Jack Dalton - 2016-06-13

Ok Cena Mark-- I want your input on this because I know you to be a wrestling fan... and I am a lapsed wrestling fan who likes to remember the good old days...

Will there ever be a golden age of wrestling again? If so, what would it look like?

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