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Comment count is 13
lotsmoreorcs - 2016-07-10

apparently bobby kelly in the 90s was a thing to behold, extreme cocksman who used to let little jimmy watch from the corner from time to time

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-07-10

i get the feeling these spergs who downvote me never spend any time in the hopper, phonie!

William Burns - 2016-07-10

Fuck off

SolRo - 2016-07-10

weren't you bitching earlier that you got voted down in the hopper by one person that controls half the active accounts on the site?

Hooker - 2016-07-10

I don't agree with one-starring your videos because you posted them.

misterbuns - 2016-07-11

Cocksman is one of the things straight dudes say to me before they s my d and then cry about being gay.

When are you sending dick pics bro?

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-07-11

typical faggot degeneracy

misterbuns - 2016-07-11

the shame is adorable.

do you f5 all of your videos :(

lotsmoreorcs - 2016-07-11

i do, but only as a recourse against the multiple ghost accounts people are using to cheat and stack the odds against me. as a bouncer at a gay club in austin for close to 2 years (lucky i got out alive really) i def picked up on the prized blowing-a-breeder-and-having-him-cry phenomenon, it's a common line for many homos despite that seemingly endless sea of deviancies. i find it mean spirited and sociopathic which is also a common line for homos. idenfitying as a she while retaining all the primitive instincts of a male is def getting in the darker side of gaydom. any woman put into a pack of fags will be normally stripped and beaten down emotionally until she's reduced to doing a fag voice of her own with tears in her eyes. also i heard a lot of the victims in orlando were running towards the shooter because they thought it was a t-shirt gun shooting black dildos, can you confirm as you were one of the ones who apparently made it out alive?

misterbuns - 2016-07-11

Was that before or after your job at White Wolf?

William Burns - 2016-07-12


lotsmoreorcs - 2016-07-12

peripheral functionary film industry douchebag faggot

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2016-07-14

Maybe this is just gratuitous nastiness and has no place here and maybe it's high time that A Certain Someone should get banned.

I figured "cocksman" was just dated slang. But who knows.

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