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Comment count is 12
Rodents of Unusual Size - 2016-07-14

Truly horrifyingly awesome!

Also, can anyone pass me the email for support? Is it just [email protected]?

I have been able to check into my account, but then it randomly changes from video to video. Sometimes it shows me as logged in and sometimes logged out. Every video is randomly different. Is this only happening to me?

15th - 2016-07-14

Background music proves scientists have a healthy sense of humor. Only a matter of time before they splatter fake blood on Petman's gas mask outfit.

Gmork - 2016-07-14


Oscar Wildcat - 2016-07-14

So is it those rat heart cells that make you swim towards the Dumpster?

Sanest Man Alive - 2016-07-14

Gmork's just blowing it all out of proportion.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-07-14

...that's our Gmork.
(insert sad trombone riff here)

Gmork - 2016-07-14

actually it's for meme voting the "bear being released from car" video a 1.

balance in all things

memedumpster - 2016-07-15

The sad part is I brought two great name-plays and all I got in return was "lotsmorememes."


"Memetrumpster" would have been how I responded had I done that to myself. Or, if I needed a B game, how about "Meme Beck?" Or, sticking with po(e)stmodern name smooshing, "Memey Joe Buttfuck," or, and this could be the worst yet "That Meme Guy."

Gmork - 2016-07-15

Sorry but you're not really worth that much effort.

memedumpster - 2016-07-15


Sanest Man Alive - 2016-07-14

Who's an adorable little affront to nature? YOU ARE!

Binro the Heretic - 2016-07-15

Scientists won't rest until they can make it feel pain.

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