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Comment count is 6
kamlem - 2016-07-26

Photos and separate audio interview here.


Anaxagoras - 2016-07-27

It's kind of a shame that this video is getting any comments, but the only thing I can think to say is "JESUS H. CHRIST".

Not exactly scintillating conversation fodder.

Anaxagoras - 2016-07-27

err.... *"it's a shame this video ISN'T getting any comments". God damn I wish this site had an "edit" function.

Binro the Heretic - 2016-07-27

Yeah, it's like, FUCK! what can I say about this shit but FUUUCK!

Not enough stars for evil.

Binro the Heretic - 2016-07-27

Wait, I thought of something, but it only makes this worse:

The people who did this to those children went to their graves feeling it was absolutely the right thing to do. In their minds, they were heroes.

There are people alive today who feel this was absolutely the right thing to do. We probably come into contact with at least one of them every day and don't even know it.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2016-07-27

I recall being told about this story in high school. Calling this situation an "arrest" and "incarceration" is a stretch. They were essentially kidnapped and tortured. The idea that a governing body could do this to a group of minor American citizens and get away with it scott free is horrifying.

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