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Comment count is 11
Nominal - 2016-08-04

It might be a neat idea to feature a 90s FMV game for Monday Movie Night.

Old_Zircon - 2016-08-04

That's a good idea.

Old_Zircon - 2016-08-04

Looks like a lot of the leg work has been done for us:


Old_Zircon - 2016-08-04

I can't find a longplay of the Johnny Mnemonic FMV game with fake-keanu though.

Old_Zircon - 2016-08-04

Ok, I posted something in the "Upcoming Movies / Requests" thread.

boner - 2016-08-04

There sure are a lot of VCR board games and other weird shit on this channel if you really want to start scraping the bottom of the barrel.

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLLAqWwaIGo6QnBS_tUndCg/video s

Nominal - 2016-08-05

I was thinking more "story only" versions of FMV games with "plots".

I was thinking along the lines of Voyeur, that early CDI title.

Old_Zircon - 2016-08-05

Yeah, I looked through a lot of those and downloaded about half a dozen longplays to examine more but most of them (including Voyeur) seem to be about 50% point and click pixel hunting, there are only a few that looked like they'd be fun to watch like a movie. Also a lot of them are 2.5-3.5 hours long.

I'll take the discussion to the Google group though.

TeenerTot - 2016-08-04

Hooray I'm a white male!

Kabbage - 2016-08-05

Holy shit did John de Lancie bring the thunder in this. Genuinely impressed.

Just the right amount of annoying and giddily evil.

Hot damn.

memedumpster - 2016-08-05

That was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay the hell better than I expected.

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