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Comment count is 11
Binro the Heretic - 2016-08-09

This was an awesome series.

The early 2000s attempt at an alleged "reboot"...not so much.

Old_Zircon - 2016-08-09

Kolchak is great.

Xenocide - 2016-08-09

I love how he tosses his hat at the hat rack, misses, and doesn't care. Can't break this man's whistlin' flow!

Merzbau - 2016-08-09

Fuck yeah.

love - 2016-08-09

this series, including the 2 original TV movies, is by far the best television ever made. If you haven't seen the movies, find them.

Xenocide - 2016-08-09

"This story might be too much for those of you who want to AVOID THINKING." Who, slow down there, Kolchak, you don't want to invent the alt-right blogger writing style 30 years too soon.

cognitivedissonance - 2016-08-09

This show is great, and the subtext that he REALLY LOVES PROSTITUTES, A LOT, just intensifies as you watch it.

Boomer The Dog - 2016-08-09

One of the episodes is about a killer who changes into a Rottweiler Dog to murder people. As a Dog, he gets shot at and keeps on walking, you can't even see the bullets hit!


Boomer The Dog - 2016-08-10

The Devil Dog episode is episode 7, The Devil's Platform, and it's candidates for office being attacked by the murderous Dog.

cognitivedissonance - 2016-08-10

Young Tom Skerritt as the politician.

Sanest Man Alive - 2016-08-10

Was there ever a Kolchak x Kojak teamup special?

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