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Comment count is 45
Anaxagoras - 2016-08-08


Lurchi - 2016-08-08

why do all these movies look like they were filmed through a lint screen

Old_Zircon - 2016-08-09

gritty realism

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-08-08

Incidentally, my opinion of Superman V Batman: Dawn of Justice improved significantly when I saw the extended cut. Turns out the stuff they cut out for the theatrical version was all plot points.

I'm taking a star off because this guy was bitching about Ghostbusters before anyone saw it, which undercuts his criticism of DC fanboys praising Suicide Squad before anyone saw it.. Leaving four stars because, hypocrtite or not, he's right.

William Burns - 2016-08-08

A turd so polished, you'd think it came from superman.

A turd so dark, you'd think it came from batman.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-08-08

Whatever it is, it's better with a comprehensible story.

EvilHomer - 2016-08-08

Weren't you praising Ghostbusters before anyone saw it...?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-08-08

I may have said that I wanted to see it.

EvilHomer - 2016-08-08

It was basically the only thing you said, for months.

Mr MovieSucks, I can at least understand his behavior, because he was (I think?) getting paid to have opinions about a film he's never seen. I don't believe you ever found a way to monetize your enthusiasm for that movie, so what's your excuse?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-08-09

Homer, you've forced me to do a lot of soul-searching, and I've decided to respond to your question with the trailer from Problem Child 3 (1991), starring John Ritter.


It's not all I said, and to say that I intend to see it is an expression of personal intent, obviously based on speculation and curiosity, and not a definitive judgement of the film. I'm not going to judge a movie I haven't seen while criticizing others for doing just that. I'm deliberately precise in my use of language, and you seem to be willfully sloppy in your reading.

Critics are SUPPOSED to be paid for their opinions of movies THEY'VE SEEN. This is why people were pissed at James Rolfe. Rolfe tried to play it both ways by making a video about all the reasons why he expected to hate it (not really misogynist, he just didn't think it was going to kiss the ass of the original enough.)

Since this is hopefully the last time we're discussing fucking Ghostbusters for a while, I think the new movie is a lot of fun, and it's going to prove itself over time, and believe me, it found an enthusiastic audience, no matter what the misogynists out there and the hipsters in here choose to believe. I also expect that it'll be bringing in money for SONY for years to come, but who cares? It saved the franchise.

The Ghostbuster franchise needed some new blood, or it wouldn't count as a franchise anymore. It would have been depressing as hell to see Bill Murray and Dan Ackroyd running around in those jump suits.

Unlike nearly every other SNL alumnus, Bill Murray's career has had a splendid second act. He won an Oscar for Lost in Translation, he's worked with Jim Jarmusch, he was wonderful as FDR, and his cameo in Zombieland was kind of groundbreaking. OF COURSE he doesn't want to play that asshole Venkman again!

Incidentally, I thought Bill Murray's cameo was brilliant. It didn't have a lot of jokes, it was just funny. It played beautifully off of Venkman. You didn't laugh out loud watching it, you just grinned.

And I don't think it's cynical, although certain cynical people will disagree.

EvilHomer - 2016-08-09

I'm sorry, but could you cite the precise legal clause within the Manual of All Professional Criticism that states a pop-culture critic *must* watch a film before he can comment on it? Rolfe watched the trailer, he commented on the trailer, end of. Argued his case pretty well, too.

Critics like Rolfe et al are supposed to be paid for their opinions on pop culture. Technically, they're 'supposed' to be paid for anything that brings viewers/ advertising to their channels, so they can make up their own channel's rules whenever they want - but yeah, I get it, Rolfe's got a specific niche he focuses on. That niche, is talking about whatever other nerds are talking about. Other nerds talk about Ghostbusters trailer? He talks about Ghosbusters trailer. That's his job, always has been, probably always will.

Again I ask: what is your excuse? If it's so wrong for people to formulate negative opinions on a film, based on an awful trailer and years of experience with Hollywood's dreaded Big Nostalgia industry, then is it not also wrong for a person to formulate a positive opinion, sight unseen?

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-08-09


TeenerTot - 2016-08-09

Oh would you two just make out already?

Old_Zircon - 2016-08-09

"or it wouldn't count as a franchise anymore"

Implying being a franchise is a good thing.

Old_Zircon - 2016-08-09

Also what Teenertot said.

I'm starting to come back around to the "Cena and EH are both JHM trolling sockpuppets" conspiracy theory on strength of this debate.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-08-09

>>>Implying being a franchise is a good thing.

Fucking A right it's a good thing, because Ghostbuster fandom deserves to live on for another generation.

Look, "Ghostheads" (a fan documentary) finally convinced me that the original Ghostbusters is a classic, but it didn't convince me that it's not also dependent on a whole bunch of aging 80s comic tropes, and some stale gender tropes to boot. I think the new film does a better job of addressing this than anyone had a right to expect. And if it doesn't live up to your childhoods, angry video game nerds of the world, maybe it's someone else's turn to be a child?

William Burns - 2016-08-09

Until we get another Dan Aykroyd who provides some new ideas about ghosts and ghostbusting, there's really no reason for a new Ghostbusters movie.

William Burns - 2016-08-09

AND IT'S TOTALLY FINE IF IT'S A DANIELLE AYKROYD, just so long as they bring something different to the concept of ghost busting.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-08-09

>>>Until we get another Dan Aykroyd who provides some new ideas about ghosts and ghostbusting, there's really no reason for a new Ghostbusters movie.

It was a fresh performance. Do you expect every actor who plays Hamlet to bring "something new to the concept of avenging you father's murder?"

Fuck you, okay? Why does this movie, which other people love, have to justify its existence to you? If it didn't exist, you would merely be an arrogant prick, but since it does exist, your opinion is pointless and absurd. It exists. If you don't want to see it, God go with you.

Tiffini ‏@DontCallMeTiff_ Jul 31
#Ghostbusters was awesome! Was it my incredible #gaydar or was Jillian Holtzmann totally gay? I love it!
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Sonya Levitova ‏@slevitova Jul 31
raise your hand if #ghostbusters (2016 obviously) changed you as a person
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CraftReppin ‏@CraftReppin Jul 31 Naugatuck, CT
Taking my daughter to see the new #Ghostbusters 👻
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Stacey P. ‏@StaceySimGirl Jul 31
#Ghostbusters I want my daughter to know that she is more than just a pretty face, that she can kick ass, that she can save the world too!
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Old_Zircon - 2016-08-09

"Ghostbuster fandom deserves to live on for another generation"

Implying fandoms are a good thing.

William Burns - 2016-08-09

Ghostbusters: TOS
Old men chased ghosts and draculas with a friendly gorilla.

Ghostbusters: 84
Entrepreneurs and proton packs

Ghostbusters: 2
20 GOTO 10

Ghostbusters: 3
20 GOTO 10

Ghostbusters: 4
Oh god why

godot - 2016-08-08

I've avoided superhero films since the first Tim Burton Batman. Have I missed anything?

Cena_mark - 2016-08-08

Uh... the greatest film of all time. The Dark Knight.

Nominal - 2016-08-08

First two X-men were good for the time. Not sure how they aged.

First Spiderman was good.

X-men Days of Future Past was decent

everything else.......nah

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-08-08

The worst film of all time, Batman and Robin.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-08-08

My personal fav is Captain America: Winter Soldier.

SolRo - 2016-08-08

Deadpool and Guardians of the Galaxy are enjoyable films to which one can ingest large quantities of steam exploded corn kernels.

William Burns - 2016-08-08

Dredd was one of the best action movies of the last two decades.

fedex - 2016-08-08

I actually like Dark Knight better than any Marvel movie, although Iron Man is a close second as far as SH movies go.

But generally i think DC movies are not as good as Marvel ones, DK was more of a one-off.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-08-09

All three--yes, ALL THREE--of Nolan's Batman movies are required viewing.

Gmork - 2016-08-09

The dark knight is alright. Totally overpraised, along with heath ledger. Sorry, the actor being dead doesn't change my opinion of the movie.

Gmork - 2016-08-09

Great opening scene, though.

memedumpster - 2016-08-09


EvilHomer - 2016-08-09

Psycho Gothic Lolita was pretty good.

Old_Zircon - 2016-08-09

"All three--yes, ALL THREE--of Nolan's Batman movies are required viewing."

I saw one of them in the theater and I respectfully disagree.

memedumpster - 2016-08-09

I don't know, OZ, I think a film class could be taught with them.

"Class, can anyone tell me the difference between a Sci Fi Original Picture from the 90's and a Christopher Nolan movie?"

*holds up bottle of industrial strength turd polish*

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-08-09

Raimi's second spiderman film is pretty hot.

Born in the RSR - 2016-08-08

Speaking of movies, join us tonight , August 8th, starting 7 PM EST for PoeTV monday night RAW!

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Get in here and let's watch some movies!

Maggot Brain - 2016-08-09

Just finished watching Fan4stic and now I'm ready for this mess. Fan4stic really does speak to the economics of these kinds of movies; people will continue to go out and see these familiar properties just as long as the charters are the ones that they are familiar with.

William Burns - 2016-08-09

"... just as long as the IMAGES AND AUDIO CUES are the ones that they are familiar with."

Maggot Brain - 2016-08-09

At lest they finished the movie this time before they decided to wreck it with that shitty sound tack.

Gmork - 2016-08-09

da fuq is fanastic?

Maggot Brain - 2016-08-10

Fazn4stic was the Fantastic Four remake that came out last year. Everything that is in was in Suidcide Squad felt like Fox reacting to what do and didn't work in Tentpole moves over the past few years. Fan4stic had a slow start and that movie didn't work so scrap that. We don't want the movie being branded anti-man so scrap anything to do with a man mistreating a woman. Watchmen had a throw back sound track and that worked, then it worked again in Guardians really well so let's do that again. I can't get over how bad that sound track was. Kevin Smith being the studio apologist that he is made a big fuss about how young the movie felt with all it's neon glitter jump cuts yet all the music used in the movie is at lest forty years old.

William Burns - 2016-08-10

Young and senile can look similar at the extremes. So can dumb and cynical.

cognitivedissonance - 2016-08-09

Why give a 2 out of 10 when you can give a 1 out of 5?

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