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Comment count is 9
Kid Fenris - 2016-08-11

Hey, he hit him with a musical spear! Is that fair?

duck&cover - 2016-08-11

It's no Achilles vs Alexander:


Binro the Heretic - 2016-08-11

Would have been more fun if they used the mythological version of Achilles.

Hector would have just jabbed at Achilles with his spear, unable to pierce his magical flesh while Achilles mocked him with Deadpool-style quips until he finally got bored and killed him.

Raggamuffin - 2016-08-11

The version of this fight in the actual Iliad involved Hector trying to run away while Achilles chased him around Troy in laps for a while until Hector cowboyed up and promptly got killed.

Bort - 2016-08-13

Greek mythology is inconsistent about exactly how invulnerable Achilles was. That's because Greece wasn't overwhelmed with comic book nerds bitching about Achilles' exact power level.

Robin Kestrel - 2016-08-11


Two Jar Slave - 2016-08-11

Brad Pitt is terrible in this movie, but I would've liked to see an Odyssey with Sean Bean at the time. Can't think of anyone better off the top of my head.

Bort - 2016-08-12

George Clooney.

Simillion - 2016-08-12

Its like pitt is trying intentionally to voice his lines as if it were a cheesy italian spaghetti spartan action flick

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