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Comment count is 12
memedumpster - 2016-08-14

It wasn't art until someone made the decision to put the robot head on backwards, so it can watch you watch its ass.

SolRo - 2016-08-14

Butt art it is.

Binro the Heretic - 2016-08-14

Butt, is it art?

Gmork - 2016-08-14

The gameplay just isn't there. If you're going to have a gimmick, have a gimmick reside in a game worth playing. This entire world feels like the maintenance corridors for portal.

Nominal - 2016-08-14

Art makes you ask questions, like "is this a woman wearing a the top half of a robot shell, or a robot wearing synthetic skin over its bottom half?"

SolRo - 2016-08-14

"Would or would not?"

magnesium - 2016-08-14

So wait. Is the player a robot? Who builds a robot with such saggy tits? Build it a robot sports bra, for christ's sakes.

Oscar Wildcat - 2016-08-14

Something must be holding them laterally. You don't see a smidgen of recoil wave in those breasts when it shoot ( see :50 or thereabouts ). Totally ruined it for me, that.

Meerkat - 2016-08-14

For the crotch inspection.

Fur is Murder - 2016-08-14

if Anna Nicole Smith and a turret from Portal had a baby.

M-DEEM - 2016-08-15

R. Crumb presents: Haydee

betamaxed - 2016-08-15

Despite the interesting body proportions for the controllable character am I wrong in saying this looks kinda fun? Looks like a mixture of RE4 style shooting, Tomb Raider style climbing / swimming, and Portal aesthetics.

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