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Comment count is 11
Love & Vomit - 2016-09-27

This would have been much better if it had starred Dave Foley and Scott Thompson.

fedex - 2016-09-27


Love & Vomit - 2016-09-27

I was thinking something like this:


Slight change to the accents and wardrobe, replace the general with a moose, and I'd pay to see it. As for Rocky:


EvilHomer - 2016-09-27

I'm conflicted.

On the one hand, Natasha is definitely one of the pre-1980s cartoon babes I'd like to bang. I also like the bob-cut redesign, and Sally Kellerman used to be pretty hot back in the day.

On the other hand, old age catches up to us all, and this was around the time Sally Kellerman became unbangable.

Not sure if would?

Boxhead - 2016-09-27

Did her vagina snap shut like an oyster's shell?

kingarthur - 2016-09-27

I remember really liking this movie as a kid.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2016-09-27

Apparently this was initially conceived to be the original live-action Rocky and Bullwinkle film, but in some bizarre set of circumstances they were able to secure the rights to use the characters Boris and Natasha, but not able to secure the rights to use Rocky and Bullwinkle, and they were already well into pre-production before they realized this. So they decided to just go ahead and wing a film with what they had.

cognitivedissonance - 2016-09-27

But here's the thing: they wrote Bullwinkle and Rocky into the ending, where it is explained that they were forced into the bodies of humans and became FBI agents named Moose and Squirrel. It's deeply strange.

Binro the Heretic - 2016-09-27

One of the writers was a sentient marijuana bush.

Maggot Brain - 2016-09-27

Looks about as good as the Minion movie.

themilkshark - 2016-09-29

This is weird. I can see how it might have fared better with Roger Rabbit style Rocky and Bullwinkle doing stuff and being the heroes. Ah well, I never even cared to watch the 2000 live action movie. It looked dumb.

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