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Comment count is 8
kingarthur - 2016-09-29


No, seriously, this is the most down to earth and likable I've seen her this whole campaign.

fedex - 2016-09-29


Maggot Brain - 2016-09-29

Hell, it's only the third likable anyone has said this election year. Keep in mind that one of the other two involved killing a man with a grenade and the other one doesn't count anymore because Ted Cruz is Ted Cruz.

Old_Zircon - 2016-09-29

I wonder what Chelsea thinks abut this, what with her going to Ohio last weekend and saying that prescription drug interactions with marijuana were killing people in Colorado and we need to "be careful" (despite any documented cases of this whatsoever in the entirety of human history).

memedumpster - 2016-09-29

She married a hedge fund manager, she's obviously doing her amoral capitalist duty and will be bestowing her true Christian grace upon the disenfranchised of some less personally profitable hell sector.

Old_Zircon - 2016-09-30

I had no idea this guy grew up to be a hedge fund manager!


memedumpster - 2016-09-30


Oscar Wildcat - 2016-09-29

I'm guessing her favorite strain is Obama Kush.

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