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Comment count is 10
chumbucket - 2016-10-04

Cloaks donned, staffs and nacho platters in hands all of them are guided through the theater doors for the premiere screening.

Binro the Heretic - 2016-10-04

Can I have a Mountain Dew?

Scynne - 2016-10-04

Think of all the poor angsty teens who died from occult rituals on account of these people's demonic work.

jangbones - 2016-10-04

god damn I hope they interview the biggest hard on in the universe, Bill Willingham

kingarthur - 2016-10-04

How long til Dungeons and Dragons becomes the next nostalgia brand and we get a multi-million dollar movie we're going to have to sit through?

I know they tried in the 90s with one of the Wayans brothers and John Malkovich and then again in a direct to DVD travesty, but really, how soon?

chumbucket - 2016-10-05

It will likely star Vince Vaughn and/or David Spade. Maybe, if they are lucky, Jack Black to be the "kooky guy" in the RPG gang.

EvilHomer - 2016-10-04

That's gotta be the best job.

EvilHomer - 2016-10-04

Well, at least up there alongside "Jackie Chan" and "busty anime-figurine sculptor".

cognitivedissonance - 2016-10-05

Having illustrated for White Wolf, it's not. I was paid $35 a page and had to bicker to get a check cut. Eventually I moved up to writer because the pay was better, and even then I checked out after they strategically cut 100k words to avoid paying me.

TeenerTot - 2016-10-05

Diesel LaForce is like the best name ever.

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