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Desc:Before you gae a OMG CRUEL, they get feed twice a day and oh who am I kidding this is the internet..
Category:Pets & Animals
Tags:dog, cute, wagalanche
Submitted:Albuquerque Halsey
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Comment count is 8
Smellvin - 2007-04-23

5'd just for the dogpile... and how they wait until the trainer says that they can eat.

petep - 2007-04-23

I been to this place and let me tell you those fuckers get loud

Caminante - 2007-04-23

They just dived into it like a sinkhole.

Cheese - 2007-04-23

It's like one of those Taiwanese parlementary riots.

AJumpingSpider - 2007-04-24

...!! A sea of dogs!

DrCrypt - 2007-04-24

Dogs are retarded: if they killed that trainer they'd have twice the food.

MKULTRA - 2007-04-24

I'd give it a six for the ones that jump on top of the dogpile

Twitch - 2008-06-01

Oh dogs are man's best friend all right.

Just wait until they get the internet and start taking Prozac.

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