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Comment count is 9
Gmork - 2016-10-16

This guy's great. Warhammer, though. No stars.

Kabbage - 2016-10-17

Yeah I have zero interest in tabletop-fucking-Warhammer, but I could listen to this guy talk about anything.

Nominal - 2020-06-24

Silver Tower is just a more detailed Hero Quest. Both just happen to take place in Warhammer Fantasy.

SolRo - 2016-10-17

It's like lindybeige except with an awesome beard, a great accent, and tolerable for long intervals.

Binro the Heretic - 2016-10-17

YAY! He's back!

Born in the RSR - 2016-10-17

Yeah I'm subbing to this guy, he's great.

TheyUsedDarkForces - 2016-10-17

Yeah, I love this guy, his charisma stat rolled really high.

When this ended, I realized I had been absentmindedly stroking my beard for the duration of his review. Coincidence?

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2016-10-17

I want to hate this guy but nah, hes great!

He even has videos with creepy anime girl figurine type things, but he also seems to appreciate barbarians and *physicality* a lot. I guess he just really digs art based on exquisite human form, either male or female, which is cool!

Gmork - 2016-10-17

Needs a "great" tag

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