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Comment count is 9
EvilHomer - 2016-10-21

Whoop whoop

Cena_mark - 2016-10-21

No wonder he's such a bitter racist asshole.

EvilHomer - 2016-10-21


When was he racist? The only people he's ever been racist against are the French, but that's fine: they deserve it. They're French.

EvilHomer - 2016-10-21

Also, I'm a little jealous. My boarding school didn't have an equestrian center. We had a rowing team, archery fields, a fully-featured arcade, not one but two buildings designed by IM Pei, and the most expensive squash courts in the Ten Schools, but no horses.

Well, we did have horses, but they were stashed waaaaay off campus, on alumni expense, and hardly anyone used them. Having a pony farm right there, maybe up by the old dairy fields, would have been sweet. The British take their boarding schools far more seriously than the Americans do, both in terms of facilities and discipline, and it shows.

cognitivedissonance - 2016-10-22

I think you meant "sexist". He's not a racist in any thing I've seen, but dude has some incredibly antiquated notions about women. I did get into a lengthy email chain with him once about the physiological limitations of cyclopes. We decided that if they were to have any sense of spatial awareness which would allow them to use weaponry in any meaningful way, they'd have their eyes on a vibrating, omnidirectional stalk like a spider, which would quiver around very quickly and allow the cyclops to take very minute mental calculations about it's place in space. The problem would be that a) this would require a large amount of background brain power which Cyclopes might be diverting from other tasks and b) if they were flashed by light at a certain angle, the shadow coming from the stalk the eye is situated on would blind them, so they'd have to be largely nocturnal. I suggested that if it was nocturnal, we'd settle it just being a giant Nothic instead, and then we trailed off on what the point of it having to be a cyclops even was.

That guy - 2016-10-23

Sometimes New Cena is tiring, too. Proof or shut the fuck up.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2016-10-22

What exactly is a "public" boarding school? Does that mean it's tax payer funded?

EvilHomer - 2016-10-22

It's a British thing. "Public" means it is open to anyone who can pay (as opposed to the older medieval church or guild schools); they are not tax-funded, and are instead the equivalent of "private" or "prep" schools here in the States.

Old_Zircon - 2016-10-22

As explained in detail in the video.

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