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Comment count is 38
Bus_Aint_Comin - 2016-10-26

i think it might be too much to hope for that the republicans will implode... donald is still polling with 43-44% of the popular vote. that's a lot of angry people who can be pandered to for possibly quite a few election cycles. but i maintain that same hope, however farfetched, with the caveat that if our hopes bear truth, whatever cankerous monstrosity might replace the GOP will not be an even bigger abomination on the face of the american body politic.

also, this interview is what a lot of facebook is for me lately.

Sexy Duck Cop - 2016-10-26

The GOP has a fatal demographic crisis that's putting it in severe danger of becoming a dying, regional party. Trump has exacerbated this problem beyond my wildest dreams. The GOP needed to start courting minority groups like yesterday, and Donald Trump has made that virtually impossible, so their electoral paths are rapidly diminishing.

There ain't enough angry rednecks to coast to the Presidency anymore.

Cena_mark - 2016-10-26

In 2004 W. got 40% of the Latino vote. Since then the Latino population has grown and each year the GOP has received a smaller share of it. Trump looks to about 21% of it now (Damned Tio Tacos).

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2016-10-26

That won't happen until the old white racist power brokers behind the GOP die off and when they finally do it will be too late to pull out of the nose dive for the party.

simon666 - 2016-10-26

The Washington Post (IIRC) had a recent opinion piece suggesting the boomers will start their decline from political positions as early as the 2018; the upshot being that Gen Xers are more progressive and can appeal to form a collation with millennials.

kingarthur - 2016-10-26

Generational politics are meaningless. There are more similarities often across generations than inside them.

That said, the GOP is trying to rectify the failing nature of their party by sewing up the rural vote through gerrymandering and voter ID laws. Anything to keep people from voting center or left.

StanleyPain - 2016-10-26

Trump is basically giving up at this point. (he is stopping fundraising according to rumors coming from the inside) He has to in order to keep up the whole "rigged, I had no chance" narrative bullshit to start his media empire with.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-10-26

>>Generational politics are meaningless. There are more similarities often across generations than inside them.

If there's a narrative to be told about any particular generation, telling it will require time and historians.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-10-26

The republicans have a big problem. The base wants to set its own agenda, and not just rubber stamp less taxes for the rich. The bigger problem than Trump is that they couldn't come up with a decent candidate, All they had was a field of uninspiring yes men, becuse that's wat the party jhas demanded. This year, Chuck Norris could have gotten the nomination. Or Charley Daniels. Or Cliff Clavin.

Gmork - 2016-10-27


Bort - 2016-10-26

What a lovely side effect of Hillary being the Democratic nominee.

jfcaron_ca - 2016-10-26

The dog-like head roll at 3:18.

jfcaron_ca - 2016-10-26

Also, when the fuck did talking-over-each-other become the standard form of interview or debate? This is fucking awful to watch. Can't they set up rules for the interviews so people watching actually can interpret what the fuck is being said?

Bobonne - 2016-10-26

Republicans (mostly, though some Dems are catching on) have realized that they can just talk loudly and not stop and be a complete asshole on tv, treating the people interviewing them like shit, and most of the time, they will get away with it.

Because the people interviewing them's bosses are terrified of losing "access" to these assholes, so they make it clear that trying to actually impose some order or decorum or, god forbid, even cut a mic for a few seconds, is completely unacceptable.

Unless you're on FOX, of course, and your show is predicated on shouting angrily at your interviewee. Of course, those sorts are syncophatic lapdogs for the people that would actually lie to them, so they never need to worry about doing it to the wrong person.

Honestly, I'm annoyed at how pussified so much of our press up North has become in the last few years, eroding our long tradition of the press not using kid gloves with politicos, but being polite about it, too, so I'd like to not see them slipping into our Southern neighbors' example any further, but some of them have started to reverse that trend a bit of late. Hopefully it'll go further still.

Five for the greatest of all bloated flaming gasbags.

jfcaron_ca - 2016-10-26

Even the independent media is like this. Listen to the Kellie Leitch interivew on Canadaland Commons, it's the same bullshit talking-past-each-other:
http://www.canadalandshow.com/podcast/kellie-leitch-anti-canad ian-values/

TeenerTot - 2016-10-26

I'm giving Megyn Kelly a thumbs-up. Something is wrong here.

Cena_mark - 2016-10-26

She's been showing a brain and a spine this election cycle. I love how she so calmly avoids Newt's desperate and obvious traps. Newt just came off as yet another unhinged jackass.

15th - 2016-10-26

>>She's been showing a brain and a spine this election cycle.

Fox News anchors are not journalists, remember? Her handlers have decided against a Trump presidency. If they had stayed the course, she'd be interviewing the blue stained dress.

The most annoying thing about this election cycle is the realization that much of the left's skepticism is a one way street.

Political rhetoric is on the same plane as reality tv. The suspension of disbelief should be willful.

Cena_mark - 2016-10-26

We lefties are plenty skeptical towards Hillary, we've just decided to be pragmatic and rail against Trump.

chumbucket - 2016-10-26

Her calm handling of him is totally hot.

Sputum - 2016-10-26

Donald trump attacked Megyn Kelly, ergo Fox News, very early on in the election cycle and that was a massive misstep. Megyn Kelly of all people might have saved the world.

Mister Yuck - 2016-10-26

15th and Sputum, you guys are a little off.

When Trump attacked Kelly at that primary debate, Fox News didn't come flying to her defense. Roger Ailes was still the head of the network and Trump is his guy. He's still a pro-bono, Trump campaign advisor. After the initial spat, Kelly was made to eat crow by giving Trump a conciliatory interview.

Ailes is out, however, and Kelly's career is ascendant. When Gretchen Carlson sued the bastard for firing her because she didn't want to fuck the old bag of gravy, Kelly and a bunch of other Fox women backed her up. Murdoch dropped Ailes without a fight and Kelly has used her brains and spine to advance her career under the new News regime.

Anyway, I agree she's not a journalist, and I'm no fan of hers, but she has a brain and a spine and free will beyond her 'handlers'. Probably not integrity, but a brain and a spine.

Cena_mark - 2016-10-26

Even before the Ailes thing, she was still showing guts. I recall a few times where she'd spar with O'reilly and Hannity, giving them smackdowns.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-10-26

You know what I hate? This happened at the 2012 convention.. Reporter asks Gingrich a tough question. Gingrich gives a canned insincere answer. Reporter asks a followup question. Gingrich answers. And because the reporter doesn't ask another question, right wing internet morons carry on about how GINGRICH DESTROYED THE REPORTER.

In the world outside of OReilly and Fox, an interview is about getting the subject to talk. You don't debate the guy back and forth for a half hour. You et the guy to answer questions, and his answer is the story. Of course, you know the story: liberal press, gotcha journalism, blah blah blah, wank wank wank

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-10-26

>>>We lefties are plenty skeptical towards Hillary, we've just decided to be pragmatic and rail against Trump..

You know, the worst thing about the current divisive political climate is that criticizing your own side is really hard. That's a huge problem.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-10-27

I'm giving her THREE thumbs up, if you get my drift.

jangbones - 2016-10-26

Half of the people that watch this think that Gingrich destroyed her.

Think about that.

Cena_mark - 2016-10-26

Holy shit, the comments! I can't believe how many idiots are just so bias and brainwashed that they think Newt won this.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2016-10-26

I was watching the news this morning and they were showing all sorts of tweets from people on Twitter talking about how Newt totally destroyed her and how she's "going to get her's when this election is over".

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-10-26

Actually, someone high up in the Trump campaign said "Watch what happens to her after the election." They're threatening journalists now. This really feels like fascism.

Two Jar Slave - 2016-10-26

D'awww lil' Newt thinks he's big people.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-10-26

He's a big deal in the Trump campaign. Newt and Rudy have no political ambitions, and that lets be big fish in a small ocean.

Caminante Nocturno - 2016-10-26

It never ceases to amaze and disappoint me that people still give Newt Gingrich any amount of respect or attention.

jangbones - 2016-10-26

He has a congressional staffer watch his young daughter while he went in the parking lot and got a blow job in a car from some other dude's wife.

Trump 16!

Binro the Heretic - 2016-10-26

Newt Gingrich brought his second wife divorce papers to sign when she was recovering from cancer surgery and still under the influence of the anesthesia.

He also had to be dragged into court and forced to pay child support for his two daughters.

That's the kind of guy Newt is.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2016-10-26

It gets better. Back during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, Newt was leading the charge to get Clinton impeached over it. It was found out years later that at the very same time he was leading said charge, he was cheating on his wife with his secretary, who is now his current wife. Even more amusing yet, he was cheating on his first wife with said wife that he was cheating on with the secretary/current wife before he married her.

I guess I can see why ol' Newty would get hot around the collar when issues of sex and infidelity come up regarding a candidate he supports.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-10-26

I can't who said this: When having sex with Ted Cruz, close your eyes and try to think about Newt Gingrich.

StanleyPain - 2016-10-26

Nothing like a Republican (and a major figure of the GOP to boot) talking about being obsessed with sex when 80% of their entire political platform for the last two or three decades has literally been micromanaging people's sex lives.

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