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Comment count is 17
Binro the Heretic - 2016-10-31

Thanks. I really needed that.

poorwill - 2016-11-01


poorwill - 2016-11-01

not meant to be a reply! i hope things pick up Binro!

Bort - 2016-11-01

Agreed! I too want Binro to be picked up by things!

poorwill - 2016-11-10

I hope a giant dresses up as Binro's favourite toy and picks him up, gently rocking him and caressing his hair.

bopeton - 2016-10-31

This is by far the best thing I've seen all day.

Simillion - 2016-10-31

dat delay to respond

il fiore bel - 2016-10-31


Bort - 2016-11-01

You are descended from wolves. Show some dignity.

Gmork - 2016-11-01


Nikon - 2016-11-01


That guy - 2016-11-01

This is a really good all-purpose cheer-up.

"Yeah I know that bad thing happened and you feel bad, but... sometimes dogs lose their minds in confused joy, so.... ya know."

kingarthur - 2016-11-01

Joyfulness has overwhelmed this doggo.

Caminante Nocturno - 2016-11-01

The he dressed up as the cat's favorite toy and was promptly torn to shreds.

Boomer The Dog - 2016-11-03

Clever idea for Dog fun. I can just see it, seeing the costume in a novelty store and thinking how that's their Dog's favorite toy, and I'd wonder how he'd react to a giant size Gumby.

I liked the hesitant tail wag, then jumping on his dad in the costume.

I haven't checked in for a few days, Halloween's a big deal for anyone with a costume, and I went out for trick-or-treat in Papey, my Dog costume.

I saw the neighbor's Dog for the first time in my costume coming back home, and he just barked and circled me, he didn't know it was his playmate Boomer!

Gmork - 2016-11-03

Boomer is a cool name. It's also the name of the insane A.I. Durandal's spaceship from the Marathon series!

Boomer The Dog - 2016-11-04

Cool, that's something I can look up, thanks. I look for things that say Boomer for sound bites.

Submarines have also been called Boomers too, and there's a Lieutenant Boomer in a sci-fi space series, which I just looked up to refresh my memory, Battlestar Galactica.

Boomer can seem like a tough kind of name, but I take the cute, Dog side of it.

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