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Desc:I watched The Fisher King AND this today. :( Worst movies infinity!
Category:Classic Movies
Tags:robin williams coke habit, john travoltas scientology habit, ching chong chinaman, is he gonna get his in the balls please let him ge
Submitted:infinite zest
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Comment count is 10
Potrod - 2016-11-09

I tend to take things at face value but grouping this with The Fisher King has to be trolling.

infinite zest - 2016-11-09

Unfortunately, it wasn't. I woke up and wanted to watch Fisher King (it's my fav Gilliam film and besides Zero Theorem I love all his films almost equally) but I torrented this shit for Worst Movie purposes and watched it, because IMO you should watch the actual films before passing judgement, and there's already a handful on here which I personally liked.

This was not one of them.

But no, this wasn't some sort of "BBC America Remembers Robin Williams" intentional programming, although CSI: Miami IS on BBCA all the time now (?) :/

infinite zest - 2016-11-09

Like seriously, I just looked at BBCA's programming for the day: Star Trek TNG all day long and then Silence of the Lambs twice, rinse and repeat tomorrow.. and the next day is TNG and (here comes the twist) Star Trek The Original Series! Like, TNG aired on BBC after it was on here, so besides Stewart and a few guests it was hardly "British" at all! And Silence of the Lambs just screams "Americana" to me. Like I dunno, if BBC had nothing but shitty programming TNG's better than nothing, but let's see here (not counting Dr. Who): Fawlty Towers, I Claudius, Blackadder, Old Grey Whistle Test, House of Cards (yeah it was a British show first), Singing Detective, Tinker Taylor Soldier Spy, Dad's Army, Hell, even Eastenders.. I dunno I think that fills up a day.. :(

Potrod - 2016-11-09

Oh I thought you were saying The Fisher King was part of worst movies ever infinity. I was going to say...

cognitivedissonance - 2016-11-09


infinite zest - 2016-11-09

Yep! I even shared a Pod with them Malheur Boys for a bit! I also apparently flatlined for about 2 seconds; I was really sick and literally on the brink of death. Jail saved my life and all my emergency room visits and shit were free! Not a bad trade for a few weeks of house arrest and an uncomfortable bracelet because you know drugs.. come down to Portland and keep me company at my parents' house! Free pool!

cognitivedissonance - 2016-11-11

We might really consider that, man. Seattle POE crew might need to make a trip.

TheyUsedDarkForces - 2016-11-09

This is a very, very strong contender for Worst Movie Week.

Were you a guest in the Columbia River Correctional Institute, Zest? At least the folks there have a nice view of the adjacent country club!

infinite zest - 2016-11-09

inverness? Yeah I was there at the end, but served most of my time Downtown and was granted pre-release. If you're thinking Inverness though, you don't get a view of shit, and there's never an "outside" time.

StanleyPain - 2016-11-09

Old Dogs.

Shit in your mouth.

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