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Comment count is 11
Gurlugon - 2007-04-26

Man.. I remember this when it was a "buzz clip". 90's nostalgia.. so sad. :(

kingarthur - 2007-04-26

Ah yes, before the Mellon Collie crap and the band being crushed under the weight of Corgan's ego

M-DEEM - 2007-04-26

ah yes, alow me to deliver some crisp flatus to the face of reason,god forbid a band should progress

C. Eloi Marx - 2007-04-26

Corgan was the band.

Herr Matthias - 2007-12-25

Well, him and the drummer.

If Corgan himself is to be believed, Iha and D'arcy barely knew how to play their instruments.

Stopheles - 2007-04-26

One hell of a pop act. I was blown away when I first saw them live.

mr666 - 2007-04-26

Well, it's not their BEST single, but it still rocks.

poorwill - 2010-11-19

It is so their best single.

louis armstrong - 2007-05-10


glasseye - 2007-08-07

great stuff.

Ghoul - 2008-02-19

This is my jam.

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