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Desc:Ow, ow, ow! Ow! OW! OW!!!
Category:Pets & Animals, Crime
Tags:Police, Horse, carrot or stick, YOU DONT KNOW THE WHOLE STORY, once bitten twice shy
Submitted:Hugo Gorilla
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Comment count is 13
chumbucket - 2016-12-02

First 5 "ow"s were more of a drunken, "haha". The last few were a far more serious "oh god, I'm being eaten alive" kind of "ow".

kingarthur - 2016-12-02

It delivers. Short and sweet.

Born in the RSR - 2016-12-02

Horses are very dumb, which is probably for the best.

fedex - 2016-12-02

uh no, they're pretty smart.

Also, blond twit lives matter

Mr. Purple Cat Esq. - 2016-12-02

Sergeant McHorse may be a hard-line maverick, but he's the best damn cop on the force!

TeenerTot - 2016-12-02

He's a loose cannon! Mountee is getting too old for this shit.

gravelstudios - 2016-12-02

I've spent some time around horses, and I think most horses realize on some level that they are much bigger and stronger than us. How that realization affects the horse's behavior depends on the horse's personality. Some are jerks.

kingofthenothing - 2016-12-02

If she didn't want to get bit, she shouldn't have been smelling like carrots.

Xenocide - 2016-12-03

Horses are roughly as smart as dogs. So you can train them up with a little time and patience. And you'd better, because they are giant awkward dogs who could fucking kill you with a single kick. And also they're prey animals so their first instinct is to think everything wants to murder them.

Have fun!

Ugh - 2016-12-02

look at me i'm a horse girl owdy owdy owdy

Anaxagoras - 2016-12-02


Xenocide - 2016-12-03

Ride like the wind, ghost stars!

Old_Zircon - 2016-12-04

Withholding stars until we learn whether she lost any fingers.

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