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Comment count is 22
The Mothership - 2016-12-12

You mean jobs?


SolRo - 2016-12-12

You have to drain the swamp or else the now-legally-dumped sewage and industrial waste wont fit!

Grandmaster Funk - 2016-12-12

Well, at least he's making Saturday Night Live relevant again.

Lef - 2016-12-12

This. I had not watched any SNL in years.

bongoprophet - 2016-12-12

I think Harmontown has argued this quite well: everyone has a different idea of when it was relevant and being an institution everyone has at one point been just the right age to appreciate it. Therefore everyone has their own idea of when it was relevant.

Conversely, us europeans never watched it and to us it has allways horribly unfunny.

Caminante Nocturno - 2016-12-12

SNL reached the same point The Simpsons did a long time ago where it stopped being funny or worth anything but people are so used to it that they can't imagine a world without it.

alitheiathricechastened - 2016-12-12

kidfucker nocturno, you are a nightstalking kidfucker who jacks it to brachycephalic lolis with swimming pool eyes and mouths that open unanatomically on the sides of their face and have single giant sweat glands on their temples. not only do you not get to have opinions you do not get to be released from your gimp cage. back in your cage, mongo!

infinite zest - 2016-12-12

BONGO WELL YOUR COMEDY SUXXX too ya know! That's one Ricky Gervais in bitcoin format.

A Brentcoin.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-12-12

>>Conversely, us europeans never watched it and to us it has allways horribly unfunny.

What do you prefer? Britcoms with the laugh track turned up to 12? Jerry Lewis?

SNL has always been hit or miss with more misses than hits. Like I always say when we have this conversation, it's like baseball. You'll have to sit through a dozens strikeouts before you see a home run... but the home runs are thrilling.

bongoprophet - 2016-12-13

don't get me wrong, much european comedy is very bad and I really prefer American in most cases.

It is just I have never seen a funny SNL-skit. I like character-driven humor and skits don't really deliver that.

Caminante Nocturno - 2016-12-13

What about Mr. Bill? Mr. Bill was always funny.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-12-13

Okayt, while never as tiresome as people complaining about how SNL is no longer what it used to be, which has pretty much been the same since Chevy Chase left, circa 1977, SNL has always been more unfunny than funny.

The nice thing is that, thanks to the internet, you can sample the funny, relevant parts without sitting through the whole show. I'm probably one of the biggest submitters of SNL clips, and I haven't watched the actual show in years.

kingofthenothing - 2016-12-12

"They're not bad, they're alt-good."

Nominal - 2016-12-12

1. Premise
2. ?????
3. Comedy!

EvilHomer - 2016-12-12

Just out of curiosity, has SNL done any hitpieces on the Goldman Sachs lackey, the Blackwater sister, or any of the Monsanto guys at the FDA? Or does the Democratic Party's top prolefeed outlet only draw the moral line at a guy who'll decriminalize pot and, for once, has no conflicts-of-interest with the companies he is tasked with overseeing?

15th - 2016-12-12

No, EH, see, one either thinks the Left OR Right is morally bankrupt. The 'we're good, they're evil' LARP is easier than skepticism puzzle quest.

I understand the allure though. One can declare themselves a winner the first move of the former. The latter never ends and it's not as fun.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-12-12

>>>Just out of curiosity, has SNL done any hitpieces on the Goldman Sachs lackey, the Blackwater sister, or any of the Monsanto guys at the FDA? Or does the Democratic Party's top prolefeed outlet only draw the moral line at a guy who'll decriminalize pot and, for once, has no conflicts-of-interest with the companies he is tasked with overseeing?

I'm sure to someone this makes sense, to me it mostly reads like a parody of beat poetry.

Homer, Donald Trump is about to become president. It's no longer about the right or the left. It's about Donald Fucking Trump. You've complained to me that it's morally objectionable censorship when someone edits their own website, but Donald Trump has openly talked about reigning in freedom of the press. Worst of all, the man has no respect for facts. Politicians have always lied, but they've always tried to square their lies with reality. Trump doesn't seem to have any awareness that reality matters, or even exists. He's all about 2 +2 = 5.

These are important times for our freedoms, and it'll be a shame if you waste your considerable intelligence on being a precocious, but irrelevant, pain in the ass.

MurgatroidMendelbaum - 2016-12-12

I have a theory that SNL operates on a 25-year bell curve of relevance.
Mark my words, by the time this generation's kids go to college, they'll be back on top!

StanleyPain - 2016-12-12

Nice of SNL to now be cribbing two week old jokes from The Onion as their material now.

Seven Arts/H8 Red - 2016-12-12

I wonder what would happen if SNL decided it didn't need a celebrity cameo every week - whether the staff would limit themselves to arson, or just up and murder people.

infinite zest - 2016-12-12

You know somewhere out there, someone started writing out this sketch as soon as Trump announced his bid for Presidency.


Can't help but imagine this sketch would work better in '08 or '12.. plus at least he'd be outta there next month.. a boy can dream, can't he?

As it stands though "whn's he gonna make the knocking joke?" Mommy?

Mommy can't hear you anymore.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2016-12-12

As satire, this is dead-on, I guess, but I'm too depressed and anxious to find it funny.

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