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Comment count is 19
Raggamuffin - 2017-01-06

Just another day on the highway in post-industrial America

kingarthur - 2017-01-06


Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2017-01-06

Keep rollin' rollin' rollin'

infinite zest - 2017-01-07




Oscar Wildcat - 2017-01-06

Save the girl, Mario!

Cube - 2017-01-06

The car in the front loses a tire at 0:10. Maybe it tries to be a hero and jump in front of the spool?

betabox - 2017-01-07

I'm pretty sure that's a tire wall as used to hold up traffic barrier barrels.

Accidie - 2017-01-06

If it was on fire it would be like a metaphor.

TeenerTot - 2017-01-06

Is it copper? Grab it!

15th - 2017-01-06

My retirement spool!

fedex - 2017-01-07

stars for my Lulz from 15ths comment

dairyqueenlatifah - 2017-01-06


gravelstudios - 2017-01-06

Twirling twirling twirling towards freedom.

casualcollapse - 2022-09-28


Grandmaster Funk - 2017-01-06

Back in high school we found an empty one of those in the woods, ripped off a couple of the planks from the inner core, crawled inside, and rolled each other down a treacherously steep and rocky hill. We were northern hillbillies.

dairyqueenlatifah - 2017-01-06

We did that with one of those empty metal barrel garbage can things. The kind you always used to see hobo tramps burning garbage fires in on old movies/shows.

bawbag - 2017-01-07

An oil drum DQL, the thing hobos gather round in 80s films is an oil drum made into a brazier.

Every few years some eejit tries to cut into one that's still full of vapour or has oil in it and gets blown the fuck away.

The Mothership - 2017-01-07

bravely rated and reviewed, gambol.

Robin Kestrel - 2017-01-07

Uniontown, Route 40, 1/4/17

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